RJ TextEdОчень мощный текстовый редактор. RJ TextEd - юникодовый редактор со множеством возможностей для редактирования текста, html-документов, java-скриптов и т.д. Открытие множества документов в многовкладочном окне, подсветка и проверка синтаксиса, подсказки при вводе кода, закладки, неограниченное undo/redo, редактор css, html-превью, встроенный ftp-клиент, поддержка email, поддержка drag'n'drop, поддержка скинов и многое другое.
Интерфейс может быть многоязычным - дополнительные языковые файлы,включая русский, можно докачать непосредственно из программы (из диалога Add-ons).
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RJ TextEd is a text editor that uses syntax highlighting for any type of files. The editor uses syntax definition files to recognize keywords, tags, strings and other items that you want highlighted in the text. RJ TextEd is a Unicode editor capable of loading and saving ANSI, UTF-8, Unicode and Unicode big endien files.
The editor can use class auto completion, tag auto completion and hints to assist in editing your source files. The documents can be saved encrypted using strong encryption (twofish) or as html with syntax coloring. The editor does not only handle source code. It also handles true ASCII files, binary files and of course plain text files. RJ TextEd also uses language files to display menus and dialogs in different languages. The included languages are English and Swedish. New language files can easily be created in the editor.
The editor also has a side-bar on the left side with two explorer pages, a user menu and FTP page. The items displayed in the user menu are also loaded from the syntax definition files. With the FTP view you can connect to a FTP site and edit or upload a file.
For recognizing different programming languages the editor uses syntax definition files. These can be created in the RJ TextEd manually or with the Syntax Editor.
The syntax editor is included to aid you in editing or creating syntax definition files. These files holds information about which keywords, tags or other words to highlight using different colors or text attributes. They also hold information about auto completion lists, hints and what is shown in the user menu. The keywords and other text displayed in auto completion lists and the user menu does not have to be in English. Unicode is supported.
Edit plain text
The editor can handles any type of text file (and binary). ANSI, ASCII (DOS), UTF-8, Unicode... And the text document can be converted to a different character set, if necessary.
Internally all text are handled as Unicode and all functions of the editor support Unicode. The editor can load and save ANSI, UTF-8 or Unicode texts.
Opens multiple documents in a tabbed view.
Spell check in several different languages. Work very well even in Unicode documents where many languages might be used.
Unlimited undo/redo.
10 different bookmarks.
A smart word wrap. Tries to cut the text so it is as readable as possible.
Edit source code
For source codes the editor has user defined coloring of syntax elements (syntax highlighting), if a definition file is available for that programming language.
New syntax definition files can easily be created and several are available on the home page.
Synchronized Editing. Rename a word (variable, method...) in several places within a selected block of text.
Block Comments. Comment or uncomment a selected block of text.
Class auto completion. Unicode supported.
Tag auto completion. Unicode supported.
Write a home page
The editor use auto completion to aid you in writing tags and attributes.
Several html tag shortcuts are available as well as several wizards e.g. Table editor, list editor, frame editor...
There is a complete CSS editor to help you create style sheets.
Html preview which let you see the result of you editing.
Validate your html document. The result of the validation is displayed and you can quickly identify the faulty code.
Format/repair you html document. Several options are available e.g. word wrap, indention...
The editor has an FTP client in the tab "Publish Web" to help you manage you home site.
Load, save or print a document
The editor can load and save text as ANSI, UTF-8 or Unicode. With or without a BOM (Unicode file signature).
The editor can also load and save binary files. It is not only a text editor, it is also a binary (hex) editor.
Text or source can be saved as html documents. The source is converted to html and properly highlighted before saving.
Text can be encrypted using strong encryption (Twofish). When loading or saving a password has to be entered.
Before printing you can preview the printout.
The print dialog gives you several options for you printout. E.g. syntax coloring, word wrap...
Connect to the outside world
The editor has FTP capabilities. You can edit a single document by using the FTP feature in the sidebar. Or you can manage your home site using the FTP client in the "Publish Web" tab.
Synchronize your local folder with a remote folder on your FTP site.
E-mail your document as plain text.
E-mail your documents as attachments.
Convert your document
All converted documents are opened in its own tab.
Convert from text to html or html to text. With or without syntax coloring.
Convert document between different character sets. E.g. you are using an English Windows XP and want to load and edit a Russian text saved on a Russian Windows. If the text is saved as ANSI - all you see is some garbled text. Simply convert the document to character set "Cyrillic" and the text is displayed using Russian characters. You can use this feature to convert between a number of different character sets like DOS and MAC.
The editor comes with a few tools.
Syntax editor. Create syntax definition files using a graphic tool. Makes some things like sorting keywords very simple.
Character viewer. View characters available in different fonts, using Unicode or code pages. Lets you copy characters or texts to the clipboard.
Unit converter. Convert between different units.
Skin support. About 70 skins are availabe.
Skin builder. Build your own skins.
Drag n' drop.
Hexadecimal editor for binary files.
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Home: http://www.rj-texted.se/
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