No ini-file is created by default (save settings with F7, once)
"Move Up" and "Move Down" keep selection and work with blocks
Set cursor to start (Ctrl+,) or end of text selection (Ctrl+.)
"URL Encode" (Ctrl+Shift+E) and "URL Decode" (Ctrl+Shift+R)
"Escape" (Ctrl+Alt+E) and "Unescape C Special Chars" (Ctrl+Alt+U)
"Sort Lines" with several options (Alt+O)
"Pad With Spaces" block command (Alt+
"Replace Next" assigned to hotkey (F4)
Auto strip trailing blanks option (File, Line Endings, Default)
Remapped "Transparent Mode" hotkey to Ctrl+0
Simple XML detection for files without extensions
Simple language detection for cgi and fcgi files
Reload file without file variable parsing (Alt+F8)
Enabled better styling of C/C++ preprocessor elements
Recent files and search strings merged with existing items on save
Paste board mode ignores immediately repeated copy actions
Command line switch + to accept multiple files (quoted spaces)
Command line switch - to accept single file argument (no quotes)
Option to set default command line mode (single or multiple files)
Command line switches to set file encoding and line ending mode
More /p command line switches (see "Command Line Switches" below)
/r command line switch to reuse existing window
/ns and /rs command line switches to enable single file instance
Renamed /t command line switch to /d (select default text scheme)
/t command line switch to set window title
Set window title to excerpt of current text selection (Ctrl+9)
Save relative pathnames for recent files (ini-option to disable)
Save relative directories for "Open with..." and "Favorites"
"Open with..." no longer sends short pathnames to external programs
External commands use current file directory as working directory
Remember "Save Copy" location until exit
Require only single click to restore window from tray icon
"Reuse Window" option timeout improves opening multiple files
Replaced "Find Up" option with "Find Previous" button in dialogs
"Find Wrap" notification dialogs provide "Cancel" button
Option to suppress replace count notifications
Find and replace dialogs provide new system menu commands
Dialog boxes use correct theme fonts on Vista
Patches to default styles, file types and auto-detection by Kai Liu
Incorporated base x64 source code compatibility patch
Fixed some problems with relative ini-file locations
Fixed some minor file variable problems
Fixed some encoding detection issues
Fixed some find and replace problems
Fixed several memory leaks when saving files
Fixed several memory leaks for editing operations
Reduced size of Notepad2.exe program file