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HTML Compiler 2024.4


HTML в exe, convert HTML to exe

Дата публикации: 29.03.2024 - 10:38
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HTMLCompiler 2022.4 + crack (patched)

HTML Compiler 2022.6 + crack (patched)

* Due to some unexpected changes in our hosting the updater tool of the product stop to working as always. This release do the appropriate changes in order to allow the updater tool to continue working as always, that is, with the ability to check if a new version exists, to download and show the history of the product and to download an existing new release.
* Add the Geolocation sample app. This sample app show us how to get the app user geolocation latitude and longitude by using the appropriate javascript API. This sample also show how we no need to ask for the right permissions from the user, since our apps already set the appropriate permission to get the geolocation information.
* Change the behaviour when clicking the "Open a sample" button from the New App Index File dialog. Instead of trying to open an index.html file of the existing sample apps, what the button do now when clicked is to close the referred New App Index File dialog and open the sample apps folder: this is the same behaviour that we can see when use the main menu Samples item or the main toolbar Samples button.

HTML Compiler 2022.12 + crack (patched)

* Add the new Fullscreen sample, which explore the usage of the newrecently added app.external.appEnterFullscreen() function and
theapp.external.appExitFullscreen() function.
* Add the new function app.external.appEnterFullscreen() and the new function app.external.appExitFullscreen(), which allows to set the app window in fullscreen mode or exit from the fullscreen mode.

HTML Compiler 2022.18 + crack (patch)

* Add the new TrayMenu, TrayIcon and TrayIcon2 sample apps. These apps shows how we can use the recently added javascript external functions and events related with the app tray icon and the app tray icon menu. The product help has been also updated in order to incorporate these new stuff related with the app tray icon and the app tray icon menu.
* Add the new dhc.events.onTrayMenuItemClick() javascript external function. This function / event is called when the user click on an item of the app tray icon menu and receives the item ID which has been clicked as an argument. Take a look at the product help and also at the TrayMenu sample app to see this function / event in action.
* Add the new dhc.events.onTrayIconclick() javascript external function. This function / event is called when the user click on the app tray icon. Take a look at the product help and also at the TrayMenu, TrayIcon and TrayIcon2 sample apps to see this function / event in action, and, also to look at the related tray icon new external functions.
* Add the new dhc.trayMenu.hideIcon() javascript external function. With this function we can hide the app tray icon if we previously show it by using the also new dhc.trayMenu.showIcon() javascript external function. Take a look at the TrayIcon and TrayIcon2 sample apps to see this in action.
* Add the new dhc.trayMenu.showIcon() javascript external function. This function can be called (at runtime) in order to show the app tray icon in the system tray. The behaviour of the dhc.window.setState() action has been changed in order to minimize the app into the system tray (hidden it from the task bar) if the tray icon is shown. This allows us, for example, to start the app running in the background / system tray. Take a look at the TrayIcon2 sample app to see this in action.
* Add the new dhc.trayMenu.updateItem() javascript external function. This function works in a similar way than the already existing dhc.mainMenu.updateItem() and update an specific item of the app tray icon menu. Take a look at the product help and also at the TrayMenu sample app to see this new external function in action.
* Add the new dhc.trayMenu.setItems() javascript external function. This function works in a similar way than the already existing dhc.mainMenu.setItems() and set the app tray icon menu items. Take a look at the product help and also at the TrayMenu sample app to see this new external function in action.

HTML Compiler 2022.19 + crack (patch)

* Add the WinSize sample app, which show us how to use the recently added dhc.window.getSize() and dhc.window.setSize(), in order to save the position and size of the app window when it's closed, and, set the saved position and size when the app is started again, in this case saving the information in a JSON file.
* Add the new dhc.window.setSize() javascript external function. With this function we can establish the position (top and left) and the size (width and height) of our app window in runtime. We can configure the app position and size at designtime already, and, with this function, we can set it now also at runtime.
* Add the new dhc.window.getSize() javascript external function. We can use this function to retrieve the current app window position (top and left) and size (width and height) at runtime. We can use this information, for example, to use it when the app is closed, and, therefore, load it when the app is started.

HTML Compiler 2022.20 + crack (patch)

* Update the Bootstrap CSS framework (incuding the CSS and javascript) to the latest 5.2.2 version for the program's welcome page, program's help and program's about.
ver. 2022.21 + crack (patched)

* Update the Bootstrap CSS framework (incuding the CSS and javascript) to the latest 5.2.3 version for the program's welcome page, program's help and program's about.

ver. 2022.22 + crack (patched)

ver. 2023.1 + crack (patch)

ver. 2023.2 + crack (patch)

Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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