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LogViewPlus 3.1.5


просмотр и анализ лог файлов, Log Files Quickly Viewer

Дата публикации: 27.02.2024 - 00:16
Pages: 1, 2, 3
LogViewPlus 2.5.56 + crack (patch)

LogViewPlus 2.6.0 + crack (patch)

LogViewPlus 2.6.3 + crack (patch)

LogViewPlus 2.6.5 + crack (patch)

LogViewPlus 2.9.12 + crack (patch)

Added dashboards will full SQL reporting and charting.
New SQL Filter command enables filtering log entries with SQL.
New Windows Event Log implementation with significant performance improvements.
New Parse Message filter implementation.
Significant changes to the Clearcove.LogViewer.Common including breaking changes to ILogReader.
Updated application icon colors on blue backgrounds.
Added syntax highlighting to text templates.
Improved performance when loading EVTX files.
The old style of reports are now called "Navigation Reports".
Default installation directory for non-admin installs changed to %LocalAppData%\LogViewPlus.
Issues Resolved
Fixed issue with the configured log entry display font not being applied.
Fixed issue with log entry scroll bar not appearing in some situations.
Fixed issue with progress bar when processing some EVTX files.
Fixed threading issue which could occur in server connection logging.
Fixed issue with grid column context menu items when the grid is sorted.
Fixed null reference exception which could occur when browsing files.
Improved exception handling when using custom analysers.
Bookmark detail view will now update comments immediately after user edit.
Minor technical changes and bug fixes.

ver. 3.0.0 + crack (patch)

Added dashboards will full SQL reporting and charting.
New SQL Filter command enables filtering log entries with SQL.
New Windows Event Log implementation with significant performance improvements.
New Parse Message filter implementation.
Significant changes to the Clearcove.LogViewer.Common including breaking changes to ILogReader.
Added new log entry indicator which shows when a view has new data.
Parser Wizard can now set a file associations in Windows.
Updated application icon colors on blue backgrounds.
Added syntax highlighting to text templates.
Improved performance when loading EVTX files.
Improved support for renaming parser configurations.
Improved support for Zulu time when scanning for timestamps.
The old style of reports are now called "Navigation Reports".
Added File System menu to categories of compressed files.
Improved file browser load performance when browsing large directories.
Improved file browser load performance by removing USB drive check.
Added a "From Clipboard" option to the Open Workspace context menu.
Saving Analysis now provides an option to save with user defined highlights.
Settings now cleaned on save to remove items referencing invalid parser configurations.

ver. 3.0.2 + crack (patched)

Improved support for high resolution displays.
Improved support for message parsers spanning multiple lines.
Database plugins will now be displayed in plugin settings if they have been loaded.
DPI awareness is now disabled by default in Windows 10 when multiple monitor resolutions are found.
Added 'Server Name' as an optional column for Syslog messages.
Expanded conversion specifier arguments with -expectedValues and -offset.
Most columns can now be renamed in the parser configuration by specifying a -name argument.
New default settings for screen scaling based on environment.
Upgraded third-party libraries.
Issues Resolved
Fixed issue with loading database plugins.
Improved exception handling when loading plugins.
Improved registration exception handling.
SQL forms can now be closed using the ESC key.
Fixed issues with dashboard positioning.
Fixed issue with auto-filtering the timestamp column.
Improved layout recovery when a problem is detected during restore.
Minor technical changes and bug fixes.
ver. 3.0.6 + crack (patch)

Improved SQL grid data display. Enabled horizontal scroll.
Added 'Show Columns' command to SQL Scratchpad.
Added new Common dashboard report 'Issues by Logger'.
Upgraded third party libraries.
Issues Resolved
Fixed issue with SQL HAVING clause when an aggregation is used.
Fixed issues with SQL Scratchpad when no views are selected.
Improved error handling when parsing SQL table columns.
Fixed exception which could occur when editing SQL filters.
Fixed NPE which could occur when querying data on a configured message template.
Disable default message Number & Symbol pretty printing for very large messages.
Added check for SQL statement clause ordering.
Improved SQL exception reporting when a field is not found.
Updated the dashboard graph scale type for more accurate images.
Target installation directory will now detect existing install path.
Fixed issue with using SQL ORDER BY with custom column names.
Fixed issue with parser time offset.
Minor technical changes and bug fixes.
ver. 3.0.8 + crack (patch)

HAVING and GROUP BY clauses can now use aliases in most scenarios.
SQL column names can now contain hyphens.
Updated CASE implementation to work with advanced expressions.
Issues Resolved
Fixed issue with focusing on dashboards automatically when opening a file by rule.
Fixed issue with wrapping SQL function parameters with brackets.
Fixed threading issue when viewing file transfer logs.
Fixed issue with SQL checks for NULL conditions.
Added SQL exception to check for unknown column data lookup.
version 3.0.16

Added support for custom SQL functions through a new plugin type.
Added support for a subquery in a SQL FROM statement.
Added new Negative notifications which fire when log entries are not found.
Added support for WSL file browsing.
Rules can now be temporarily paused.
SQL scratchpad can now execute selected statements.
Created an add-on to support new SQL functions resolve country from IP address.
Added custom SQL functions for working with query strings and file paths.
Added support for SQL Row_Number and Reverse functions.
Added support for SFTP certificate authentication when starting via sudo.
Added 'Older Than Most Recent' as a directory monitor ignore rule option.
Added support for SQL querying column names containing a space.
Added additional product evaluation options.
Added timer to SQL scratchpad. Improved output display.
Removed support for ECC plugin which should no longer be needed.
Added new Open Settings option to hide history items.
Issues Resolved
Fixed major issue with parsing EVTX files where some events could be lost.
Improved exception reporting when reading EVTX files.
Improved exception reporting in file system data source options.
Modified DPI settings to better handle updates to Windows 10.
Columns names with parenthesis will now be escaped for SQL queries.
Fixed issue with status message display on high resolution screens.
Fixed issue with executing a SELECT statement with a duplicate result column name.
Fixed issue with querying integer data containing commas.
Fixed issue with firing notifications on disposed filters.
Fixed issue with invalid SQL prefix.
Fixed issue with SQL STR function.
Fixed issue with SQL CASE statements.
Fixed issue with category names in an invalid format.
Fixed issue with large chart legends. Fixed issue with trying to get an empty distinct id.
Fixed issue with empty chart labels in dashboards.
Improved SFTP authentication logging.
Minor technical changes and bug fixes.

Pages: 1, 2, 3

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