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Wing FTP Server Corporate 7.2.8


удобный про FTP сервер, FTP Server easy-to-use

Дата публикации: 22.01.2024 - 20:37
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.2.5 + crack (patch)

Added an option "Enable Linux/Unix symbolic links" under domain settings, it is disabled by default to prevent Linux privilege escalation.
Fixed a bug - Can't upload 0-byte file (empty file) in the web client.
Fixed a bug - The web client zip/unzip/text editing operations won't use the default file permission defined in the server settings.
Improvement - Improved the listing speed for the audit report page when have millions of records.
Improvement - Changed the default file permission into "0600" under Linux, you can also change it by yourself under "Server > Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > Default permissions".
Improvement - For some security reason, new installation of Linux version will change the entire "Data" folder permissions into "0600".
Fixed a bug - Can't add home directory when using the API "c_AddGroupDirectory".

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.2.6 + crack (patch)

Changed the permissions for the folder "session" and "session_admin", Linux/Mac/Solaris user may launch the setup script "./setup.sh" again.
Added a feature - Added Automatic Crash Recovery feature for Windows version.
Added a feature - Added New Version Reminder feature in the web administration.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for the web client.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.2.7 + crack (patch)

Fixed a possible CSRF vulnerability under the web administration.
Fixed a possible CSRF vulnerability under the web client.
When uploading multiple files in the web client, some variable lile "%PathName" will be incorrect in the event OnFileUploaded.
The uploaded file information will be wrong in the audit database, if you upload multiple files via a file request link.
Added CTRL key suppport - For the multi-file operation in the web client, now you can hold CTRL key and click files you want to select.
Disabled the SFTP cipher "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256" by default.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.2.8 + crack (patch)

Цитата | Quote(Wing FTP Server)
        Fixed a bug - SFTP debug logs won't be written correctly, this bug was introduced in recent version.
    Fixed a bug - When upload small files via a file request link, some UploadLink sessions will always exist.
    Fixed a bug - When upload multiple files via a file request link, the audit report shows the wrong filename.
    Improvement - If you use tray application, Windows IE may cache thousands of files like "keeplive.html?r=xxx".
    Fixed a bug - In the web client, when removing files by multi-files operation, it will always show OK even have no permission.
    Fixed a bug - Fixed a few issues under "Web Admin > Domain > Logs & Status > Graphs".

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.2.9 + crack (patch)

Supported HTTP welcome message, you can define the message under "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous".
Fixed a bug - The server logs might be wrong for the SFTP "SSH_FXP_ATTRS" response.
Improvement - Added a variable "%WebLink" for getting the ID of Weblink or Upload link.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.3 + crack (patch)

Fixed a bug - Some SFTP client software (like WinSCP) has an issue "Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection".
Improvement - Now you can change the listener address for web admin, under "Administration > Settings > Listener > Listener Address".
Improvement - Changed the default value of the option "Server > Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > User can change file's modification time".
Improvement - Changed the default value of the option "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous > Enable FTP command 'OPTS UTF8 ON'".

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.3.2 + crack (patch)

Fixed a bug - The download/upload speed information might be incorrect under domain status.
Improvement - Added a list field "whether expired" under weblink/upload link manager.
Improvement - In the AD/LDAP user mapping, the wildcard "*" is supported for the AD/LDAP username.
Improvement - Added an option "Keep WebLink when file is deleted or renamed" under domain settings.
Fixed a bug - If the option "Need to change the password on the first logon" is enabled, the AD/LDAP user will be forced to change his password.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.3.3 + crack (patch)

Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when handling AES-CTR keys with SFTP client.
Fixed a bug - When enable Directory List Cache, it won't cache the directory list when using UNC path as home folder.
Fixed a bug - When enable timeout for transfer connection, FTP passive data connection might be closed if listing takes long time.
Fixed a bug - FTP Rush App (Android/iOS) can't connect to the server via HTTP protocol.

Wing FTP Server Corporate 6.3.4 + crack (patch)

Improvement - Can search by the full file path in the audit report, when action is "Create Dir", "Delete Dir", "Rename".
Improvement - Now enable FIPS 140-2 and disable TLS 1.0/1.1 by default.
Improvement - Improved the mobile UI of upload/download link page.
Fixed a bug - After logout the HTTPS version of the web client, then can't login the HTTP version of the web client.

Wing FTP-Server Corporate 6.3.5 + crack (patch)

Improvement - Now you can create a weblink for a subfolder, also updated the plugin "Send Files".
Improvement - When using Zip function for a subfolder, now will check the banned files inside also.
Fixed a bug - Can't remove download/upload link under web admin if the weblink file was deleted manually.
Fixed a bug - When uploaded a very small file, the thumbnail and upload-link data won't update correctly.
Fixed a bug - Sometimes the version number will be empty in New Version Reminder.

Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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