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MobaXterm Pro 24


терминал с X server, terminal for Windows

Дата публикации: 13.03.2024 - 11:47
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4
Version Pro 22.2 + crack (license)

Improvement: updated the local terminal environment to the latest version
Improvement: updated packages downloaded through "apt"
Improvement: increased the speed of "apt" and "MobApt" packages managers
Improvement: better detection of special Unicode characters in Windows console applications
Improvement: set "MSYSTEM" variable to "MINGW64" for Git-Bash sessions
Improvement: set preferred PATH to /usr/bin instead of /bin by default
Improvement: unified profile scripts in order to have similar features in all local shells
Improvement: removed the MobaSendMsg binary which is no longer needed
Improvement: removed "mkpasswd" and "mkgroup" which are no longer needed for faster startup
Improvement: you can now choose precisely the local terminal shell and distribution
Improvement: you can now choose an external distribution for MobaXterm local terminal
Improvement: added ZSH support in the local terminal environment and "Shell" sessions
Improvement: several speed improvements when dealing with many sessions (more than 1000)
Improvement: you can now scroll the remote monitoring status bar when it is larger than the window
Improvement: you can now choose to display NFS mounted partitions in the remote monitoring status bar
Improvement: disabled the "Redirect drives", "Redirect printers" and "Redirect ports" by default for RDP sessions
Improvement: added 3 INI configuration settings for terminal reconnection hotkeys, TermReconnectKey, TermSaveKey, and TermExitKey
Improvement: added default security presets in the Professional Customizer program
Improvement: added a new setting to disable "MobApt" package manager from the Professional Customizer program
Improvement: added a new setting to disable "RDP Reconnect" feature from the Professional Customizer program
Improvement: in portable mode, the agent keys paths automatically use variables for "CurrentDrive" or "CurrentFolder"
Improvement: you can now select the SSH protocol version for each SSH session
Improvement: you can now sort the key exchange algorithms list for each SSH session
Improvement: you can now sort the host key algorithms list for each SSH session
Improvement: you can now sort the ciphers algorithms list for each SSH session
Improvement: you can now choose to prevent MobaXterm from advertising the host key algorithm it already knows to the server
Improvement: you can now choose to enable or disable agent authentication and agent forwarding for each SSH session
Improvement: improved support for multi-monitors with different DPI settings
Improvement: improved support for changing Windows resolution while MobaXterm is open
Improvement: prevented MobaXterm from being blurry when started on a secondary 4K monitor
Improvement: improved MobaXterm and MobaTextEditor icons sharpness
Improvement: prevented RDP sessions from being blurry on the secondary monitor
Improvement: improved speed of embedded resources decompression

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Install + Setup
Version 22.3 (2022-12-12) + crack (reg)

Improvement: increased the maximum number of tabs per instance from 36 to 100
Improvement: you can now paste some files to the SSH browser using Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
Improvement: you can now paste some files to the FTP, SFTP or S3 sessions using Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert
Improvement: the 3 INI configuration settings TermReconnectKey, TermSaveKey, and TermExitKey can now be set to special keys (e.g. "Return", "F4", "Backspace", ...)
Improvement: improved the embedded VNC viewer speed
Improvement: the VNC passwords are now identified by using the server address and port
Improvement: the VNC passwords are saved with the proper server name, even when using an SSH gateway or jump host
Improvement: added several new authentication methods to the embedded VNC viewer (Plain, SSL, TLS, X509Vnc, and X509Plain)
Improvement: added SSL tunnel connection feature in the embedded VNC viewer
Improvement: added Unix authentication support with login and password in the embedded VNC viewer
Improvement: added SOCKS4, SOCKS5, and HTTP proxy support in the embedded VNC viewer
Improvement: you can now choose to position a duplicate tab beside the current tab (in the "Misc" global settings section)
Improvement: you can now choose to position every new tab beside the current tab
Improvement: added a new "OpenVMS2" terminal type that adds application keypad feature and PF1-PF4 keys
Improvement: when using the "-exitwhendone" command line parameter, the terminal does not prompt for reconnection
Improvement: increased the color saturation of inactive tabs
Improvement: when MobaXterm is started in hidden mode, password prompts are no more printed into the hidden terminal
Bugfix: fixed an issue with SSH sessions to AWS when using the AWS SSM plugin as a local proxy
Bugfix: in split mode, the main window title is now properly updated when the first terminal title is updated
Bugfix: in split mode, the active vertical tab is now properly updated when a non-focused terminal is selected

Install + Setup
ver. 23.0 + crack (reg)

Improvement: added a new web browser engine based on Microsoft Edge WebView
Improvement: added a new RDP "Zoom" feature that allows you to specify a Zoom level for your remote RDP session
Improvement: added a new RDP setting "Authentication level" that is useful when you use RDP over SSL
Improvement: added a new RDP setting "Color depth" in order to specify the desired color depth on the client side
Improvement: added a new RDP setting "Redirect smartcards" that allows using local smartcards on the server side, even for authentication
Improvement: arranged RDP advanced settings in a more convenient fashion
Improvement: added proxy support in browser sessions based on Edge/WebView
Improvement: improved VNC sessions overall speed with embedded engine
Improvement: increased the width of port fields for better reading of port numbers greater than 9999
Improvement: added a new setting in the professional Customizer program to disable the Remote Monitoring feature
Improvement: it is now possible to select a 64-bit terminal from the Customizer program
Improvement: the plugins are now unpacked after installation when the Slash directory is set to the "Program Files" folder
Improvement: you can now include 64-bit plugins in MobaXterm Customizer
Bugfix: fixed an issue with the SSH command line client when a jump host was set and the Slash directory was set to the "Program Files" folder
Bugfix: fixed a potential crash on VNC sessions when the new embedded engine and an SSH gateway were set
Bugfix: the local terminal setting was not properly restored when importing an old customization file into the Customizer program
Bugfix: fixed the OpenSSH daemon start-up when the slash directory was set to "same as application" in the customizer
Bugfix: fixed Unicode characters display in the SSH key sessions fields
Bugfix: fixed Unicode characters display in the start-up folder sessions fields
Bugfix: fixed Unicode characters display in the persistent Home and persistent Slash folders fields

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Install + Setup
version 23.1

New feature: it is now possible to modify directly shared sessions that are stored in a network folder, as long as you have write access to this folder
New feature: it is now possible to automatically refresh shared sessions that are stored in a network folder
Improvement: added a new security setting in the Customizer program in order to disallow the "Remember master password" feature
Improvement: updated the interface for creating shared sessions and for managing existing shared sessions
Improvement: a folder of shared sessions can now display a green "Refresh" icon when the shared sessions are updated by someone else
Improvement: updated OpenSSL library and OpenSSH command line client to the latest version
Improvement: added a message in the command line SSH client in case you are trying to connect to an old SSH server with legacy algorithms
Improvement: improved MOSH sessions compatibility with remote TCSH, CSH, and FISH shells
Improvement: improved MOSH sessions compatibility with legacy SSH servers that use outdated algorithms
Improvement: added mouse wheel scrolling feature in the MobaSSHTunnel list and in the sessions SSH jump hosts list
Improvement: the file extension is now automatically appended when exporting a color theme
Improvement: create files /etc/passwd and /etc/groups at first start for proper names resolution in the "ls" commands in 32-bit terminals
Improvement: improved switching to MobaSSHTunnel window to prevent potential focus loss
Improvement: you can now use double quotes around the full "File/Folder" sessions parameters
Improvement: do not display font ligatures in the terminal and the text editor by default (the feature remains available in the global settings, terminal tab, font selection)

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Install + Setup
version 23.2

Improvement: added support for NTRU Prime post-quantum key exchange in the expert SSH settings
Improvement: added support for AES-GCM cipher in the expert SSH settings
Improvement: you can now set the minimum master password complexity in the Customizer to "standard" (8 characters minimum) or "strong" (12 characters minimum)
Improvement: updated the MoTTY engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project
Improvement: the "MobaSSHTunnel" button now brings any existing window to the front, even if it was minimized
Improvement: merged fonts locations "/usr/share/fonts" and "/usr/share/X11/fonts" into a single one
Improvement: added a new setting in MobaDiff in order to highlight small text changes with a different color
Improvement: the X server is not moved anymore to the top left corner once it is started
Improvement: the "screen" parameter in "XWinSwitches" overloads the existing one instead of being added to the X11 command line
Improvement: you can now go to the parent directory in the SSH browser by clicking on the 4th mouse button
Improvement: improved compatibility of the terminal with the "tsh" Teleport client
Improvement: you can now close a tab by using middle-click on the corresponding top-right popup menu item
Improvement: when closing a tab, other remaining tabs are now immediately replaced

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Install + Setup
version 23.3

New feature: you can now create your own plugins for MobaXterm local terminal by using the "createplugin" command
Improvement: added many new fonts in the embedded X server
Improvement: you can now disable the "Wake On Lan" feature from the Professional Customizer program
Improvement: added some specific patterns for log parsing in the syntax highlighting feature
Improvement: implemented a workaround in order to prevent Caffeine from writing unwanted characters onto the terminal
Improvement: when clicking on the "Stay on top" button in a detached tab, the window now stays in the same position
Improvement: the XWin executable is removed after disabling the X11 server from the Professional Customizer program
Improvement: the SSH engine has been set to "New" by default in the Professional Customizer program
Improvement: some basic telnet options are now available in the Live terminal configuration settings
Improvement: updated the embedded OpenSSH to version 9.4p1
Improvement: added some more Windows commands to the 64-bit terminal (nslookup, ...)
Improvement: you can now force Telnet to send "control-M" instead of "new line" when pressing the "Return" key
Improvement: added a way to force Telnet negotiation to "Passive" mode if the server needs it
Improvement: improved the Unix to Windows path conversion functions
Improvement: added a new Telnet "KeepAlive" setting that allows to regularly send data through idle connections
Improvement: implemented a better detection of IPv6 hosts for SFTP browser and SFTP sessions
Improvement: the remote monitoring bar is now able to display more than 16 network interfaces

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version Pro 23.4

Improvement: improved the overall speed of the new "apt plugin" command
Improvement: better detection of escape color codes in the graphical SSH browser
Improvement: better compatibility with specific GSSAPI implementations in the graphical SSH browser
Improvement: added a new "TFTP buffer size" setting in the embedded TFTP server configuration
Improvement: added a time delay when entering wrong master passwords several times
Improvement: the tabs bar can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel
Improvement: all tabs can now be pinned to the left of the tabs bar
Improvement: prevent MobaXterm from doubling the path backslashes in tab titles
Improvement: 2 sessions to the same server with the same login can now use different credentials
Improvement: increased the speed of authentication using credentials
Improvement: the popup terminal now uses the global default shell, even if this default shell is WSL, CMD, Powershell, Git-Bash, Msys, or Cygwin
Security fix: updated Curl to the latest version (fixes CVE-2023-38545)

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Install + Setup
version Pro 23.5

Improvement: updated the SSH and terminal emulator engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project
Improvement: added support for SSH MAC algorithm "hmac-sha2-512"
Improvement: updated Toybox to the latest version in the 64-bit terminal environment
Improvement: added some new embedded commands in the 64-bit local terminal: file, getopt, hexdump, iconv, sha256sum, sha512sum
Improvement: upgraded OpenSSL to version 3.0 in the 64-bit local terminal environment
Improvement: improved the speed of the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment
Improvement: updated all the packages available through the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment
Improvement: the MobApt package manager displays a prompt to allow the local terminal to be switched to 64-bit
Improvement: better detection of small changes in "MobaTextDiff" graphical diff and merge tool
Improvement: added a check for empty file names in the SSH browser, before removing color sequences
Improvement: improved completion of plugin names in the new "apt plugin" command
Improvement: many new packages are now available in the "apt plugin" command
Improvement: improved conversion of Unix to Dos files paths for "ldd" and "open" commands
Improvement: better detection of the proper monitor for terminal popup messages placement
Improvement: updated the embedded X11 server based on Xorg to version 21.1.8
Improvement: added a way to disable SSH, Serial, Browser, Shell, and WSL sessions in the Professional Customizer
Improvement: added syntax highlighting for Cmake files in the MobaTextEditor and MobaTextDiff
Improvement: modified the mechanism used for 64-bit binaries located in a read-only folder

Install + Setup
version Pro 23.6

Improvement: updated the SSH and terminal emulator engine with the latest improvements from the PuTTY project to address Terrapin issue
Improvement: updated the command-line SSH client based on OpenSSH to the latest version to address Terrapin issue
Improvement: updated OpenSSL in the 64-bit local terminal environment
Improvement: the "Publisher name" field is not emp ty anymore in the embedded X11 server
Improvement: after having modified a remote file, the confirmation popup now contains buttons with borders
Improvement: updated some packages available through the "apt" command in the 64-bit local terminal environment

Install + Setup
version Pro 24

New feature: a new "Expert terminal settings" button has been added to the global settings
New feature: a new "Expert terminal settings" button has been added in each session settings
Improvement: the keyboard shortcuts used in the terminal disconnection message are now configurable
Improvement: the delimiters that are used when selecting a word in the terminal using double-click are now configurable
Improvement: you can now define the maximum number of scrollback lines for each terminal
Improvement: you can now enable or disable the terminal alternate screen
Improvement: the local echo feature can be forced on or off for each terminal
Improvement: application cursors and application keypad features can be forced on or off and can also be activated by default for each terminal
Improvement: you can now decide whether "Ctrl+Alt" keys act as "AltGr" key
Improvement: the "Answerback" string is now configurable for each terminal
Improvement: you can now disable the "Auto-copy selected text" feature
Improvement: each terminal can now add a "CR" or "LF" at each new line if necessary
Improvement: tuned TLS settings for better support of AWS S3 servers
Improvement: removed some unnecessary checks during MobaXterm startup
Improvement: updated MobaXterm embedded help with the latest features additions
Improvement: the DNS query for the SFTP browser has been improved for better performances
Improvement: modified the MSI installer to ensure that the installation folder contains a "MobaXterm" subdirectory
Improvement: added many more items in the default syntax, especially for network equipment and shell scripts
Improvement: a new prompt allows you to accept a new server host key if the SFTP browser fails to connect because of an invalid stored host key

Install + Setup
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4

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