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unRAID Server Pro 7


ОС и ваши данные в безопасности, OS performance, VMs

Дата публикации: 01.02.2025 - 12:26
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Цитата | Quote(neveresentme @ 23.02.2024 - 2:06)
Some of you are using unnecessary steps. All you have to do is use the UnRAID gui updater, when it's finished it'll say your licence has expired, just boot down and pop unraider from unraider-for-update into the /config folder, and then you're good to go. You don't need to copy both unraiders or any other flashy stuff like some of these recommendations are saying.

As always, great crack!

Цитата | Quote(neveresentme @ 23.02.2024 - 2:06)
Some of you are using unnecessary steps. All you have to do is use the UnRAID gui updater, when it's finished it'll say your licence has expired, just boot down and pop unraider from unraider-for-update into the /config folder, and then you're good to go. You don't need to copy both unraiders or any other flashy stuff like some of these recommendations are saying.

As always, great crack!

I've done the update as you said, from web ui, and it seems like I didn't even have to replace the updater file, it just works ohmy.gif
I know, 😉💪
it is also working with the new Version 7.0.0-rc.1 from 2024-12-02.
New Installation.
Thank you
You've checked UNRAID system logs?
I haven't had too much time yet, but the system and the functions are working perfectly so far.
First of all, thank you for providing the cracked version. Secondly, I found that the files in the crack folder of Pro 6.12.14_SoftoRooM.7z did not work successfully. However, after replacing them with the files from the crack folder of version 6.12.10, the crack was successful.
Thank you so much for this. This has been most helpful. Bless you
Цитата | Quote(folybfufvbehvtwmcm @ 5.12.2024 - 8:20)
it is also working with the new Version 7.0.0-rc.1 from 2024-12-02.
New Installation.
Thank you

I just updated to rc.2 using the GUI updater and then replacing the unraider file and it doesn't work. Now to figure out how to downgrade haha

EDIT: downgrade was super easy. I am on 6.12.14 now.
Hello wedabest,

I have also just updated from 7.0.0-rc.1 to 7.0.0-rc.2 using the GUI Updater. The license remains available, the software was also registered after the update, NO files had to be replaced even after a restart. It runs perfectly, without errors or problems.

Maybe a hint: I have NOT linked unraid to an online account.
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