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Система создания документов

Дата публикации:

ЭЖД, 10.03.2006 - 15:03

user posted image

ph34r.gif LyX 1.4.0

Вышла новая версия системы создания документов с "TeX в сердце", включающая огромное количество изменений и нововведений. В их числе переработанный для большей продуктивности интерфейс,
система учета изменений и версий документа, новый конвертор tex->lyx, улучшеная поддержка плавающих таблиц и иллюстраций и многое другое.


de1ay, 16.02.2007 - 8:14

LyX 1.4.4

We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.4. This is of course a bug fix release, but some new features sneaked in, among which:

    * Outline support: it is now possible to move around parts of documents in the Table of Contents dialog.
    * Add new UI settings default-autotoolbars and default-alltoolbars allowing to select what toolbars are active or shown automatically.
    * Improved documentation.
    * Speed improvments, especially on windows.

This is probably going to be the penultimate 1.4.x release before LyX 1.5.0, which will be made available as a first beta version later this week. Before the release of the final 1.5.0, a least one 1.4.5 version that is able to read the 1.5 format will be released.

user posted image Скачать:
ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...x-1.4.4.tar.gz ~9,8mb
ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...patch-1.4.4.gz ~1,6mb

ЭЖД, 2.06.2007 - 10:56

ph34r.gif LyX 1.5.0 RC1

Вышел RC1 Lyx 1.5.0, первого WYSIWYM текстового процессора. По сравнению с 1.4.4 появилась:
- поддержка Unicode
- поддержка нескольких видов(view) в одном буфере
- планировщик(outliner)
- управление сессиями
- просмотрщик исходного кода
- новый интерфейс выбора шрифтов
- глоссарии
- новый фронтенд: Qt4 (!)
- улучшения в системе отслеживания
- кеш конвертера файлов.


ЭЖД, 3.07.2007 - 10:13

ph34r.gif LyX 1.5.0 RC2


ЭЖД, 1.08.2007 - 1:25

ph34r.gif LyX 1.5.0

вышла новая версия визуального редактора LaTeX в стиле "What you see is what you mean" - LyX 1.5.0. Основные изменения:
была проведена большая работа по обеспечению поддержки Unicode,
появилась поддержка армянского языка и фарси,
появилась возможность нескольких одновременных отображений одного и того же буфера текста,
появился режим показа плана документа (outliner mode), в котором можно перемещать целые главы и секции,
появилась поддержка сессий - теперь LyX при новом запуске откроет те документы и окна, которые были открыты в прошлый раз,
появилась возможность просмотреть исходный текст параграфа/секции,
... и много всего прочего.


ЭЖД, 5.08.2007 - 15:41

ph34r.gif lyx 1.5.1


ЭЖД, 8.10.2007 - 18:38

ph34r.gif lyx 1.5.2


scorpio, 22.12.2007 - 21:25

LyX 1.5.3

LyX 1.5.3 released (Dec 16, 2007)
This is a maintenance release that further improves the stability and the performance. Besides numerous crashes, the display problems that slipped into 1.5.2 with the performance fixes (on the Mac and on Windows) as well as problems entailed to the reworked document classes were fixed. Furthermore, LyX 1.5.3 comes with speed improvements that should pay off especially on the Mac and other UNIXes. Finally, this version also provides some new features.

Size: ~ 10.81 MB


ЭЖД, 26.02.2008 - 11:01

ph34r.gif LyX 1.5.4

LyX — текстовый процессор, который основан на описании структуры вашего документа, а не на его виде.

LyX для людей, которые пишут и хотят, чтобы их документы выглядели великолепно сразу. Больше не нужно бесконечно форматировать документ, использовать свободное рисование и настраивать размер шрифта для того, чтобы подогнать документ под размер страницы. Вы просто пишите. А легендарный движок TeX профессора Кнута в фоне делает хороший внешний вид.

LyX стабилен и полнофункционален. Он — мультиплатформенное, полностью интернациализированое приложение запускающееся нативно на Unix/Linux, Macintosh и современных Windows платформах.

Изменения в версии 1.5.4:
Значительно улучшена поддержка китайского, корейского и японского (CJK) языков и внесены некоторые небольшие изменения (такие как опция подсчета символов).

Downloads (~8,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.ntua.gr/pu...-1.5.4.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 12.11.2008 - 18:14

ph34r.gif LyX 1.6.0

Из новшеств можно отметить:
Downloads (~9,9 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...-1.6.0.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 14.12.2008 - 10:03

ph34r.gif lyx 1.6.1

» ChangeLog «

Downloads (~9,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...-1.6.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 13.09.2009 - 11:28

ph34r.gif lyx

This release covers, amongst many minor improvements, fixes to some rather severe issues, such as:All users and distributors are urged to upgrade to this version.

Downloads (~10,7 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu....6.4.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 7.12.2009 - 11:51

ph34r.gif lyx 1.6.5

» "What's new in version 1.6.5?" «

Downloads (~14,4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...x-1.6.5.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 18.05.2010 - 18:02

ph34r.gif lyx 1.6.6

Downloads (~11,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...-1.6.6.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 29.05.2010 - 18:31

ph34r.gif lyx

** Bug fixes:

- Fix the spellchecker so that no misspellings are missed (bug 6708).
For this, the fix to update correctly the toolbar after the spellchecker
has made a replacement (bug 6217) had to be reverted.

Downloads (~11,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu....6.6.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 20.07.2010 - 19:05

ph34r.gif lyx

** Updates:


- New -f [--force-overwrite] command line flag. Without any argument (or
with 'all' as argument) all files are silently overwritten on export
from the command line. Using 'main' as argument, only the main file will
be overwritten.

- New preference setting for selecting what to do when existing files are
going to be overwritten on export from the GUI.

- Detect LyXBlogger, a LyX to WordPress Blog Publishing Tool, if installed
(bug 6658). See http://wiki.lyx.org/Tools/LyXBlogger.


- Layout and template file for document class "article (IEEEtran)" were
updated for IEEEtran 1.7a.

- Do not unnecessarily truncate the text of notes, footnotes and marginals
(bug 6672, part 1).

- Tooltips are added to the outliner (bug 6672, part 2).

- Add GUI support for big delimiters variants without 'l', 'm' or 'r'
endings and for '<' and '>' with all variants.


- New Greek translation of the Intro manual.

- Updated Basque, Czech, French, German, Greek, Indonesian, Italian,
Japanese and Slovak user interace localizations.

- Major update of the Basque User's Guide, Tutorial and Intro.

- Updated Japanese Additional LyX Features manual.

- Updated French User's Guide, Additional LyX Features, Embedded Objects
and Math manual as well as the French LaTeX Configuration overview.

- Updated LaTeX Configuration overview.


- On cygwin, install lyxprofile and lyxrc.dist by default. This avoids the
use of post-install scripts for this task.

** Bug fixes:


- Fix a crash when reopening a hidden buffer in another window (bug 6791).

- Fix an assertion when using an empty user macro taking an argument as
the base of script inset (bug 6739).

- Fix reverse search when the document name contains a character that is
forbidden in LaTeX filenames (such as spaces).

- Improve reverse search for documents containing index insets (bug 6649).

- Honour physical paper size settings on output (bug 5247).

- Fix compilation error in documents containing passages in Arabic and
Farsi (bug 6714).

- Fix direction of references to section numbers in documents with
right-to-left-languages (bug 6711).

- Safer creation of backup files on ext4 (part of bug 6587).

- Simplify definition of \greektext (bug 6456 and 6458).

- Don't overwrite child .tex documents on latex export (bug 2434).

- Don't allow the creation multiple buffers with same name (bug 6645).

- Don't automatically overwrite files on export from command line,
unless the newly introduced -f flag is used (bug 2762).

- Allow to overwrite files without dialog popup on export from GUI
(bug 2844).

- Correct the LaTeX output of framed boxes (bug 4776).

- Correctly parse math formulas having a backslash as last character on a
line (bug 6756).

- Only use the page margins if the option "Default margins" is not checked
(bug 6699).

- Load the package "amsmath" when using cfrac (bug 6787).

- Fix chapter and section label declaration in the Tufte book class.

- Do not swallow an empty last line in matrix or eqnarray types of
environments (bug 6595).

- Rerun Latex if Biblatex requests for it.


- Fix a warning and an incidental crash when using the outliner (bug

- Fix an assertion when copying insets from a deleted range of text
deleted by a different author (bug 6744).

- Correctly restore a dissolved macro inset on undo (bug 6678).

- Fix cursor positioning in ERT insets with leading blanks (bug 6746).

- Correctly handle empty custom line spacing in settings (bug 6649).

- Correctly display color changes in math formulas (bug 4071).

- Make sure that the '|'-character in headings does not confuse the TOC
list in navigate menu (bug 2009).

- Do not report the word count by the spellchecker twice (bug 6254).

- Fix the display of the "Address" environment in LyX when using the
elsart layout (bug 3930). (Note: elsart.layout is obsolete, please use
elsarticle.layout instead).

- Clear an existing selection when using "Navigate Back" (bug 6686).

- Correctly paint the button for external material when the "Preview"
attribute is not defined (bug 6677).

- Box dialog: horizontal box alignment is only possible with a simple
frame and without an inner box

- Box dialog: without an inner box the specification of the width is only
possible with a simple frame (bug 6721).

- Use correct fonts for rendering the \underbar and \ensuremath macros in
math when they are nested in certain environments (bug 6729 and 6745).

- Use display-formatted file name when asking about removing an emergency

- Do not open buffers in tabs when calling buffer-switch while the option
to open buffers in tabs is turned off (bug 5942).


- Adapt the tufte example documents to the requirements of recent releases
of the tufte-handout and tufte-book classes.

- Correct typos and font styles in the LaTeXConfig.lyx document.

- Add wasysym to LaTeXConfig.lyx (bug 6752).


- Fix building with Fedora 13 and potentially other recent linux

- CMake: Install all but the binaries into the 'Resource' folder.

- Several fixes to the cmake build procedure.

- When compiling using automake >= 1.11, use the nicer `silent rules'
output format.

- Check whether the wasysym package is installed (bug 6752).

Downloads (~11,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...-1.6.7.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 26.11.2010 - 21:13

ph34r.gif yx 1.6.8

» changelog «

Downloads (~11,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.lyx.org/pu...-1.6.8.tar.bz2

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