*NIX-SOFT -> Сеть



CuteFTP clone for Linux

Дата публикации:

ЭЖД, 23.04.2006 - 18:21

user posted image
ph34r.gif VirgoFtp 1.3.2

VirgoFTP is a multi-platform, graphical FTP client. It provides an interface like CuteFTP's, but its codebase has been developed from scratch and includes functionality that corresponds to CuteFTP. The goal is to provide a convenient, powerful, and secure FTP client which not only has a high quality user interface, but also has a rich feature set in non-Windows platforms.

Downloads (~2,8 Mb)_http://ovh.dl.sourcef...ux_gtk_x86.zip

ЭЖД, 25.01.2007 - 17:16

ph34r.gif VirgoFtp

Downloads (~381 Kb)_http://puzzle.dl.sour...5.1_source.zip

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