
Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer 6.5.1


Программа для смены Wallpaper

Дата публикации:

scorpio, 4.12.2006 - 17:29

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer 6.0 beta 1 FreeWare

Твой софтовый форум

Программа для автоматической смены обоев рабочего стола.

Well, make your computer desktop more dynamic, interactive, useful, and fun with Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer. It allows your desktop wallpaper to change automatically. It also lets you choose which images to display. Select the folders of images or images as well, to display as a slide show and set the display interval to change wallpaper every logon, few minutes, hours, or days. The simple intuitive interface is easily available from the system tray.

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer works on Windows XP and Vista.

Твой софтовый форум

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer Main Features

Support for BMP, GIF, PNG and JPG images: most diffused image's formats available worldwide
Easy folder and file selection: through a simple interface is possible to select files or folder to include in the list. If you choose to select a folder, each time you add or remove files from the folder, your file list will be updated recursively in automatic
High customization options like: bordering, free image sizing and so on, allows to obtain a really full control on how your image is displayed on the desktop
Change your wallpaper every logon, every minute, hour and so on up to 1 month: to have the freedom to change your desktop often as you like
Number of usable images limited only by your system memory: so don't worry if you have a list of 10 - 100 - 1000 or 10000 images, more memory and resource has your system and more images Caledos can manage
High quality stretch function: allows to resize, fit and tile images on your desktop saving all its quality
Low use of disk space: all Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer's files are into its directory under program files and your profile folder and they aren't HD killer :-)
Well integrated into Windows environment: because it is a simply tray icon application, that you can turn ON/OFF or close at any time
Full customizable: with its big number of available options, it's the right choice for the beginner and for the profesional PC user
Multiuser support: every user on your workstation has its own list and settings
AutoPreview: with a simple function it allows to see a preview into a specific dialog


mukam, 4.11.2007 - 11:31

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer 6.41
Freeware | 5348KB

scorpio, 23.11.2007 - 0:12

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer 6.4.2

Caledos Wallpaper 6.4.2 Released
A minor upgrade for Caledos Automatic Wallpaper changer is available for download. In this version we just recompiled all the stuff under Visual Studio 2008 and marker .NET 3.5 as a required pre-requisite.

Size: ~ 1.64 MB


geronima, 27.02.2008 - 8:39

Caledos Automatic Wallpaper Changer 6.5.1

Твой софтовый форумCкачать ~ 1.7 Mb

версия для печати -> Полная версия

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