*NIX-SOFT -> Аудио

Lame MP3 Encoder 3.98.2


перевод аудиофайлов в формат MP3

Дата публикации:

ЭЖД, 12.03.2007 - 8:04

user posted image

ph34r.gif Lame MP3 Encoder 3.97

Following the great history of GNU naming, LAME originally stood for LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder. LAME started life as a GPL'd patch against the dist10 ISO demonstration source, and thus was incapable of producing an mp3 stream or even being compiled by itself. But in May 2000, the last remnants of the ISO source code were replaced, and now LAME is the source code for a fully LGPL'd MP3 encoder, with speed and quality to rival and often surpass all commercial competitors.

Lame MP3 Encoder 3.97 - Один из лучших мультиплаформенных кодировщиков для перевода аудиофайлов в формат MP3.

Downloads (~1,3 Mb)_http://ovh.dl.sourcef...me-3.97.tar.gz

pks01, 28.07.2008 - 9:59

А как ставить? Туплю...

ЭЖД, 28.07.2008 - 14:24

sudo make install

ph34r.gif лучше скачай пакет из репозитария твоего дистрибутива

pks01, 18.11.2009 - 21:50

Lame MP3 Encoder 3.98.2

версия для печати -> Полная версия

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