
Syn Text Editor


текстовый редактор с подцветкой синтакси

Дата публикации:

geronima, 25.02.2008 - 19:11

Syn Text Editor

Текстовый программный редактор с подцветкой синтаксиса для большинства языков программирования.

Syn is an Open Source Text and Programming Editor with Syntaxhighlight for many Languages, and some IDE Features, like starting an application (e.g. Compiler) and capture the output, support for Projects etc. Syn is written in Delphi (Version 5, Updatepack 1) for maximum performance, stability and filesize ;-), hence it doesn?t require any bulky VC++/VB Runtime or MFC libraries!

Syn supports Active Scripting, this means you can extend the functionallity with writing a Script. If you have written such a Script, or an other file (Autocomplete file or whatever), and you think it could be useful for others, just send them to me or to the Users Mailinglist (syn-users[at]lists[dot]sourceforge[dot]net), and we will add them. Of course, we will give you proper credits. Many thanks to all of you!

Тип лицензии: Freeware
Тип активации: Не требуется
Интерфейс: ENG

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