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vsftpd 2.3.2



Дата публикации:

ЭЖД, 8.08.2008 - 12:49

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.0.7

vsftpd (англ. Very Secure FTP Daemon) — FTP-сервер с поддержкой IPv6 и SSL.

Является FTP-сервером по умолчанию в ряде систем на основе GNU/Linux, и обслуживает (по данным на 2004 год) их официальные репозитории (например, ftp.debian.org, ftp.redhat.com).

Downloads (~159 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.0.7.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 19.02.2009 - 19:43

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.1.0

Downloads (~175 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.1.0.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 28.05.2009 - 20:21

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.1.1

- Apply Tavis' RLIMIT_NOFILE trick in the twoprocess model's initial
unprivileged child.
- Fix build error due to __NR_utimes.
- Ugh. Can't use RLIMIT_NOFILE in the SSL case because the process later receives data transfer fd's via recvmsg(). It's a total shame because doing the SSL handshake under even lower privs would be a real boost.
- Fix some declarations occuring in the middle of a block; broke older more strict compilers.
- Handle the case where libcap is now libcap.so.2; fixes build on my new Ubuntu 9.04.
- Enhance 522 error message to point to require_ssl_reuse option.
- Fix NASTY regression whereby data transfer timeouts would fire incorrectly under SSL transfers. In addition, the transfer rate caps were not working under SSL transfers. Reported by several people.
- Use the login delay machinery for userlist-based denials too. Thanks to Tomas Hoger for the patch.
- Fix another tedious regression whereby absent per-user config files were causing a session fail rather than being gracefully ignored.
- Use the somewhat new CLONE_NEWPID / CLONE_NEWIPC to provide more isolation in the vsftpd low-priv processes (CLONE_NEWNET pending).
- Use RLIMIT_NPROC to disallow fork()ing etc. in processes that do not need to create new ones.
- Add "isolate" config flag to disable the new weird clone() flags if necessary.

Downloads (~177 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.1.1.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 30.05.2009 - 9:22

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.1.2

- Fix compile error in sysdeputil.c on some Linux systems.

Downloads (~177 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.1.2.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 19.08.2009 - 19:59

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.2.0

По сравнению с прошлой версией отмечено 23 изменения, среди которых:
Downloads (~181 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.2.0.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 19.10.2009 - 14:14

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.2.1

vsftpd-2.2.1 is released - with compile fixes, a fix for the "pasv_address" regression, and a fix for a regression causing some SSL data connections to fail.

Downloads (~181 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.2.1.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 19.11.2009 - 21:12

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.2.2

- Change "File receive OK." to "Transfer complete." to placate some broken
clients. Thanks Holger Kiehl .
- Fix erroneous "child died" upon FTP client connect, when under load. Awesome
thanks to Holger Kiehl for running diagnostic tests on
his live server.
- Boot the session if an overly long line is encountered.

Downloads (~182 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.2.2.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 6.08.2010 - 15:09

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.3.0

- Add extremely simply HTTP support. It's very experimental, ignorant of HTTP
protocol and headers, and likely has all sorts of other issues. The use case
it might satisfy is if you need to serve simple static unathenticated content
with large levels of paranoia.
- Fix port_promiscuous breakage. Report from Soeren .
- Minor FAQ update.
- Use a larger address space limit if using text_userdb_names=YES
- Always use CLONE_NEWNET if possible when in HTTP mode.
- Change REST + STOR so that it's possible to overwrite part of file without
truncating it.
- Boot the session if we see a USER where encryption was required. May prevent
the transmission of plaintext passwords by buggy clients. Idea from
Marcin Hlybin .
- Fix failure to transmit a large ASCII file over SSL, if it contains \n -> \r\n

Downloads (~183 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.3.0.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 24.08.2010 - 17:40

ph34r.gif vsftpd 2.3.2

- Fix silly regression re: log files being overwritten from the start.
- Rename a few file-open functions to make it clearer what they do.
- Argh! Fix version number.

Downloads (~183 Kb)_ftp://vsftpd.beasts....d-2.3.2.tar.gz

версия для печати -> Полная версия

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