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doxygen 1.7.3


система документирования исходников

Дата публикации:

ЭЖД, 5.10.2008 - 8:47

ph34r.gif doxygen

Doxygen — это кросс-платформенная система документирования исходных текстов, которая поддерживает C++, Си, Objective-C, Java, IDL и, частично, PHP, C#, D.

Генерирует документацию на основе набора исходных текстов и также может быть настроен для извлечения структуры программы из недокументированных исходных кодов. Возможно составление графов зависимостей программных объектов, диаграмм классов и исходных кодов с гиперссылками.

Doxygen имеет встроенную поддержку генерации документации в формате HTML, , man, RTF и XML. Также вывод может быть легко сконвертирован в CHM, PostScript, PDF.

Doxygen используется многими проектами, в том числе KDE, Pidgin, Torque Game Engine, AbiWord, Mozilla, FOX toolkit, Crystal Space. Есть встроенная поддержка в KDevelop.

Автором программы является голландец Димитри ван Хееш (Dimitri van Heesch).

Doxygen написан с использованием кроссплатформенной библиотеки Qt. Сама по себе программа представляет консольное приложение, принимающее на вход текстовый файл конфигурации. Также в дистрибутив входит программа doxywizard, обеспечивающая графический интерфейс для более комфортного изменения файла конфигурации.

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

Downloads (~4,0 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...7.1.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 9.01.2009 - 20:50

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.5.8

ChangesNew featuresBug fixes
Downloads (~3,9 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...5.8.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 1.05.2009 - 10:38

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.5.9

New featuresBug fixes
Downloads (~4,0 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...5.9.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 21.08.2009 - 21:05

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.6.0

ChangesNew featuresBug fixes
Downloads (~3,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...6.0.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 26.08.2009 - 19:02

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.6.1

Bug fixes
Downloads (~3,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...6.1.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 12.01.2010 - 20:27

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.6.2

ChangesNew featuresBug fixes (ids refer to the bugzilla database)
Downloads (~3,8 Mb)_http://ftp.stack.nl/p...6.2.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 21.02.2010 - 19:51

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.6.3

New featuresBug fixes (ids refer to the bugzilla database)
Downloads (~3,9 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...6.3.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 15.06.2010 - 18:55

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.7.0


* Changed the look of the HTML output.
* Made several internal changes that should have a positive effect on the overall performance.

New features

* The color of the HTML output can now easily be adjusted using three new options: HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE, HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT, and HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA, which control respectively the hue, saturation, and gamma of all elements in the HTML output.
* Moved dot invocations to the end of a doxygen run. Doxygen will now run multiple instances of dot in parallel (for better CPU utilisation on multi-core systems). The new config option DOT_NUM_THREADS determines the number of threads used (were 0 is auto-detect).
* Added option EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW which controls whether or not links to symbols imported via tag files will be opened in a new window.
* Included various language updates (thanks to Petr for coordinating).
* Included patch by Stefan Oberhumer that allows customizing the way parameter lists are shown in the LaTeX output.

Bug fixes (ids refer to the bugzilla database)

* id 306076: source browser could miss links for used namespaces.
* id 361476,620924: \if and \endif did not work properly inside auto lists.
* id 557164: No warning for missing return type documentation even though WARN_NO_PARAMDOC was set to YES.
* id 577005: Handling of nesting \defgroup's was not always working properly.
* id 578739: ø was not translated correctly in the LaTeX output.
* id 583526: Use relative paths for mscgen diagrams to avoid errors in the LaTeX output.
* id 592991: The "Use current settings at startup" feature of Doxywizard was broken.
* id 593679: Links in the search results were broken if they pointed to symbols imported via tag files using an absolute path or URL.
* id 593760,615682: Fixed man page output problem when using @par.
* id 594021: A C comment before a #endif caused the preprocessor statement to be ignored.
* id 597013: When HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES was enabled also the scope for nested classes was stripped. Now only the namespace scope will be stripped as before.
* id 600829: Autolinks to namespace members did not work if an explicit # or :: was used.
* id 602732: Slashes inside strings in java annotations were not handled properly.
* id 606335: Fixed the "show html output" button in doxywizard for Windows when IE was set as the default browser.
* id 608292: Formatting was lost for section copied with \copydoc.
* id 608359: Fixed C++ parse issue for "class : public base {} var;" construct.
* id 611056: Generated HTML footer file did not have UTF-8 encoding and the relative path marker needed when using CREATE_SUBDIRS = YES.
* id 611193: Fixed parsing problem with try-functions having multiple catch handlers.
* id 611642: Specialized private template member function appeared as public.
* id 611888: Include dependency graphs were sometimes wrong.
* id 612170: Some lines in the generated Doxyfile where too long.
* id 612275: Fixed auto-link problem for certain URLs.
* id 612292: Improved handling of ellipsis inside brief description when JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF is enabled.
* id 612364: Accessibility of macros was not handled properly in all cases.
* id 612310: Enabling REFERENCED_BY_RELATION without SOURCE_BROWSER could result in broken links.
* id 612458: Fixed problem handling @copydoc for function operators.
* id 612609: A raw C# string constant could end up in the next string.
* id 612969: subpages were not part of the XML output.
* id 613024: First list item in the paragraph after a @todo item was not parsed properly.
* id 614204: Generated man page links were having a heading underscore.
* id 614443: Made include guard detect a bit more strict to avoid false positives.
* id 614447: The labels of CVS tags were missing a colon.
* id 614438: Fixed problem parsing Q_PROPERTY with template type and spaces.
* id 615165: Made the date string in the HTML footer translatable, along with some other sentences on the directory pages.
* id 612858: Inline attribute was shown also for non-inline template members.
* id 615583: Fixed problem handling @copy for operators with const qualifier.
* id 615755: Fixed problem handling '"' inside comments.
* id 615957: Made the LaTeX output a bit less spatious using \input.
* id 615695: Fixed preprocessor issue where a macro that was redefined was not resolved.
* Fixed character encoding issue on the search results page.
* id 615670: C# namespaces are now extracted also without comment block (the language spec does not allow XML documentation).
* id 616209: included patch that fixes some typos in the code.
* id 616344,610604: Pages with an underscore in the label generated a file name containing two underscores.
* id 616387: text of the form something.symbol got autolinked when symbol had a global scope.
* id 616761: Call graph could be wrong when local variable has the same name as a global function.
* id 616947: Added documentation patch on how to create URL links with custom text.
* id 616988: Doxywizard now removes non-existant files from the recent list and has an option to clear the list completely.
* id 617051: A macro defined via PREDEFINED did not always overrule a macro definition in the code.
* id 617278: Enabling call graphs produced invalid XHTML output.
* id 617871: Non ascii characters in file or directory names caused problems on Windows.
* id 618079: An ALIAS with parameters spanning multiple lines caused problems with /// style comments.
* id 618632: Included patch to prevent image overflowing the page in the LaTeX output.
* id 619728: Fixed problem using EXTENSION_MAPPING for C# (thanks to Vsevolod Kukol for the patch).
* id 619978: Links to external files could be wrong when CREATE_SUBDIR was enabled.
* id 620229: /* characters in a print broke parsing within an conditional section.
* id 620926: \if and \endif did not work properly inside HTML tables.
* Using @include in combination with LATEX_SOURCE_CODE caused wrong output.
* Included a patch by Guido Tack which adds two new options for docsets (DOCSET_PUBLISHER_ID and DOCSET_PUBLISHER_NAME) and fixes an issue with linking to docset members.
* Included patch by Stefan Oberhumer to support escaped {}'s in alias definition and parameters.

Downloads (~3,9 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...7.0.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 25.06.2010 - 19:21

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.7.1


* id 621695: Made warning and error messages appear with lower case "warning:" and "error:" prefix to make it easier to use the messages from Visual Studio.

New features

* id 621908: Added new config option FORMULA_TRANSPARENT which allows selecting between transparent (YES) or non-transparent (NO) PNGs for formulas in the HTML output.
* Update for Turkish translation.

Bug fixes (ids refer to the bugzilla database)

* id 533821: Inheritance relation for a C# class deriving from a generic class was not handled correctly.
* id 554638: Changing DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT did not cause the graphs to be regenerated.
* id 576533: A field of the form "enum E *p" was ignore.
* id 597016: Hide scope name was not working properly for todo items inside class members, where the class was inside a namespace.
* id 617761: In dot graphs now also @ref worked (previously only \ref was supported).
* id 621653: Fixed error when compiling doxygen for Solaris 8.
* id 621733: Removed bogus warning about undocument return type for define when WARN_NO_PARAMDOC was enabled.
* id 621780: Fixed parsing support for a function that returns a struct definition.
* id 621785: Doxygen could hang when using \copydoc in a function with \param.
* id 621805: Using //!< after a #define no longer worked.
* id 621854,622219,622593: html help compiler (and also the Qt help compiler) was called before all dot images were generated.
* id 621984: Using a auto-list in combination with \subpage cause the items to be inlined.
* id 622018: Fixed problem parsing a @param command where the text part started with a formula.
* id 622019: Added some instructions how to document Fortran code.
* id 622041: Using \var multiple times in a comment block did not work properly.
* id 622413: Tooltips could get wrongly truncated when multi-byte UTF-8 characters were used.
* id 622471: Argument matching failed for typedef in another namespace.
* Fixed crash situation while handling commands inside a @ref section.
* Treeview icons were missing in the HTML output when setting GENERATE_TREEVIEW to NO and USE_INLINE_TREES to YES.

Downloads (~3,9 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...7.1.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 9.10.2010 - 18:28

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.7.2


* Changed the default font of the LaTeX output to helvetica.
* Changed the way parameters and return values are represented in the LaTeX and RTF output. They are now listed using tables.

New features

* added support for Apple's block object extension for C/Obj-C/C++.
* added support for detecting Python constructors and destructors.
* id 624575: Added \endinternal command that can be used to force the end of a section started with \internal.
* id 552605: Added parsing support for PHP 5.3+ style namespaces.
* id 582532: added \mscfile command which can be used to insert a message sequence chart given a .msc file. Also added a new config option MSCFILE_DIRS to provide directories were msc files are searched (Thanks to Adrien for the patch).
* Added support for type specifiers for documenting PHP parameters, format: "@param type $paramname docs"
* Added support for rendering formulas in the HTML output using MathJax instead of using prerendered bitmaps. For this purpose the options USE_MATHJAX and MATHJAX_RELPATH were added.

Bug fixes (ids refer to the bugzilla database)

* id 306076: Fixed case where using of a namespace did not work inside an example.
* id 336053,487871: /// were not stripped from formulas and \dot..\enddot
* id 563698: dropped support for a4wide paper format for LaTeX, since it is on the LaTeX taboo list.
* id 571014: Behaviour of CLASS_DIAGRAM=NO in combination with HAVE_DOT=YES, was not propely documented.
* id 576291: Python comments for next class or method could end up in code of a method/class when enabling INLINE_SOURCES.
* id 611174: Fixed problem handling nestes classes in Python.
* id 621733: removed unexpected warnings about undocumented return types
* id 622737: Undefined function macros could cause constant expression errors.
* id 622780: updated copyright statement in PDF docs.
* id 622935: C# generics appeared with -g extension in the output in some situations.
* id 623023: Fixed parsing problem for "int &foo1(),&foo2();"
* id 623052: Link to destructor was wrong in the member index.
* id 623424: Fixed problem where struct description gets added to variable of struct type.
* id 623673: Anchors were missing in the Qhp index for members.
* id 623733: Fixed potential crash due to uninitialized line number.
* id 623765: closed.png was wrongly linked when GENERATE_SUBDIRS and HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS were enabled.
* id 624014: Function macro was not handled properly when there was a line continuation directly after the name.
* id 624095: Linking to a class via a tag file did not work if the class was in an undocumented namespace.
* id 624104: Fixed a couple of typos in lodepng.h
* id 624323: Graph legend image was missing form the index files.
* Fixed a number of typos in the config file documentation (thanks to Jens Schweikhardt)
* id 624514: Some enums were not cross-referenced.
* id 624829: Missing \endcond could cause preprocessor issues in next file(s) to be parsed.
* id 625070: a function definition in a namespace, documented in the header did not always get cross-referenced.
* id 625296: Removed superfluous from parameter list in HTML output.
* id 625317: Unterminated comment could crash doxygen.
* id 625531: Inherited documentation was only included for the last derived class in case of multiple inheritance.
* id 625578: In the HTML output
was missing for built-in class diagrams.
* id 625555: References in example files with underscores were wrong.
* id 625982: When using japanese characters mixed with ascii characters doxygen incorrected ended the brief description with a dot.
* id 625952: setting MULTILINE_CPP_IS_BRIEF to YES, cause /// to appear in the output.
* id 626033,567774: EXTENSION_MAPPING did not work if a the mapped language was handled by the same parser as used for the original extension.
* id 626175: Fixed bracket bug in LaTeX fancy headers.
* id 626508: Allow hyphen in key argument of \xrefitem.
* id 626647: \copydoc did not work for array type arguments (e.g. int[]).
* Use \dotfile did not produce the correct map file, so URLs in dot files did not work.
* id 627371: #define's in files only found via INCLUDE_PATH were not correctly handled.
* id 628065: auto brief description ending with .) cause the ) to end up in the detailed part.
* id 628242: Fixed encoding issue for the Spanish translation.
* id 628678: Fixed segmentation fault in case of very long errors.
* id 629040: Fixed type in search page of the documentation.
* id 629182: Fixed problem detecting include guard.
* id 629270: Made file extension to parser mapping case insensitive.
* id 629485: Latex makefile clean target used rm command also for Windows.
* id 629942: the EXCLUDE_SYMBOLS option was missing form the online docs.
* id 631094: \htmlinclude and \verbinclude ended the brief description.
* id 631380: Inconsistent behaviour when a brief description was given following by a detailed comment block with JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF enabled.
* Fixed a number of typos in the documentation (thanks to Albert van der Meer)
* Fixed potential hangup when scanning directories defined as symlinks to absolute paths.
* HTML attributes other than src were not copied for the tag.

Downloads (~4,0 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...7.2.src.tar.gz

ЭЖД, 5.01.2011 - 15:47

ph34r.gif doxygen 1.7.3


* Added a header for each HTML page above the navigation menu, showing the project name and logo and a short descriptin (all optional). Disabling the index (with DISABLE_INDEX) still shows the new header (you can still customize this using HTML_HEADER). This now works nicely in combination with GENERATE_TREEVIEW = YES and/or SEARCH_ENGINE = YES.
* Redesigned the treeview feature. Instead of using frames, the navigation tree is now loaded on each page dynamically. This allows bookmarking a page and always keeps the top menu visible. Also the current item is automatically highlighted in the tree. Also updated the icons in the treeview to match the overall look'n'feel. Note: if you now use a custom HTML header, please update it using doxygen with the -w and the edit the default header.

New features

* id 499544: Added SVG support to doxygen's dot output (setting DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT to svg now works as expected)
* Added control to the wizard to configure the color of the output visually.
* Added options to specify project synopsis and select a project logo to the wizard.
* Added option PROJECT_ICON which can be used to specify an image which will be shown in the header of each HTML page along with the project name (PROJECT_NAME option).
* Added option PROJECT_BRIEF which can be used to specify a brief description which will be shown in the header of each HTML page just below the project name.
* Added new option FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS which can be used in combination with FILTER_SOURCE_FILES to filter files used for the source browser based on file extension, which can overwrite the filter set by FILTER_PATTERNS and/or INPUT_FILTER.
* Added new option STRICT_PROTO_MATCHING which is disabled by default, and makes the parameter matching to be less strict, resulting in fewer "No matching class member found" warnings.

Bug fixes (ids refer to the bugzilla database)

* id 306076: code blocks with using directives did not get hyperlinked.
* id 313527: enum values with bitfields did not get parsed correctly.
* id 565715,630582: Included a patch that fixes a couple of Fortran issues (thanks to Albert).
* id 615507: Fixed problem handling @cond..@endcond in Fortran code.
* id 619040: Scope was missing in Tokens.xml when using docsets.
* id 625517,523156: Applied patch tp avoid stripping prefixes for Fortran subroutines.
* id 626476: allow label before end statement in Fortran
* id 630901: was not handled properly in comment block.
* id 632311: Fixed potential crash for empty verbatim section.
* id 632426: closing brace of a function with one parameter has wrong color in HTML.
* id 632543: Added support for Fortan TYPEs with languge bindings. (thanks to a patch by Daniel Franke)
* id 632879: An explicit link request such as #blah did not longer produce a warning if no symbol named blah was found.
* id 633891: warnings in "inbody" documentation were shown with "unknown" file name.
* id 634116: Titles customized via the layout file did not appear in the title page and navigation tree, only in the top menu.
* id 634600: Fixed problem resolving typedef.
* id 634775: Fixed a problem were // inside a code block got removed.
* id 634857: Added support for escaping :: by using \:: (or @:smile.gif
* id 634962: #include with relative path to parent dir did not get hyperlinked.
* id 634986: Removed double definition of docParamName in compound.xsd.
* id 635198: C++/CLI Finalizer methods were not parsed properly.
* id 636475: Objective-C method names can now be used as the the first argument of \ref.
* id 636588: Fixed a couple of problems in the compound.xsd schema used for XML output.
* id 636598: DISTRIBUTE_GROUP_DOC now works again for enum values.
* id 636947: Improved matching of typedef'ed array parameter and non typedef'ed array parameter.
* id 637610: Added a number of fixed for Fortran interfaces.
* id 637712: Handle files with the .for extension as Fortran.
* id 637987: Fixed error in the grouping documentation.
* Fixed line number sync problem when using Objective-C #import statements.
* Fixed problem handling /** @cond */ in the preprocessor.
* Member groups could get reordered in the output.

Downloads (~4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.stack.nl/p...7.3.src.tar.gz

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