*NIX-SOFT -> Сеть

Evolution 2.31.2 (2.30.3)



Дата публикации:

ЭЖД, 4.07.2005 - 7:39

user posted image

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.3.4

Вышла новая нестабильная версия открытого клиента электронной почты, адресной книги и календаря для графической среды GNOME — Evolution 2.3.4.
В последнем релизе Evolution представлено 2 новых плагина: exchange-operations, default-mailer; добавлена поддержка «подписи/шифрования inline-pgp», проведены другие улучшения и исправления.


ЭЖД, 13.08.2005 - 2:23

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.3.7

Ошибки форматной строки при разборе файлов vCard, ответа LDAP сервера, отображении списка задач с сервера.
Уязвимости подвержены версии с 1.5 до
Рекомендуется либо обновиться до нестабильной версии 2.3.7, либо лататься неофициальным патчем.

Downloads (~10.7 Mb)_http://ftp.gnome.org/...-2.3.7.tar.bz2
Неофициальный патч_http://www.sitic.se/d...atstring.patch

ЭЖД, 25.08.2005 - 15:24

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.3.8


ЭЖД, 16.03.2006 - 15:05

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.6.0

Вышла новая версия Evolution - почтового клиента для среды GNOME. Что нового в версии 2.6?

* Memo Component
* New Look for the Event/Task/Meeting Editor
* Calendar Publishing support
* CalDAV support
* Network Manager support
* HULA connectivity support
* Improved GroupWise support
* Improved Event Recurrence support
* Calendar Tooltips
* CSV/tab importers for Mozilla, Outlook and Evolution formats
* Contact list support for LDAP addressbooks
* Support for saving Advanced Searches for Address books
* Support for Prioritizing messages in the composer
* Lots of bug fixes and lots of other User Interface Improvements

Downloads (~11,5 Mb)_http://ftp.acc.umu.se...-2.6.0.tar.bz2

de1ay, 2.02.2007 - 0:24

Evolution 2.8.3

» Screenshot «


ЭЖД, 1.05.2007 - 18:47

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.11.1

Downloads (~15,1 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.11.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 2.06.2007 - 10:28

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.10.2


ЭЖД, 3.07.2007 - 23:42

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.10.3


ЭЖД, 15.10.2007 - 20:03

ph34r.gif evolution 2.12.1

Downloads (~24,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.12.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 26.11.2007 - 22:10

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.12.2


scorpio, 20.12.2007 - 16:29

Evolution 2.21.4


Size: ~ 24.42 MB


F1NT, 8.01.2008 - 12:56

Evolution 2.12.3

Размер: 24,8mb


ЭЖД, 10.03.2008 - 17:20

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.22.0

Downloads (~28,2 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.22.0.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 9.04.2008 - 12:13

ph34r.gif evolution 2.22.1

Downloads (~29,6 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.22.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 2.05.2008 - 22:06

ph34r.gif Evolution

Downloads (~29,5 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...22.1.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 27.05.2008 - 8:01

ph34r.gif evolution 2.22.2

Downloads (~29,6 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.22.2.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 30.06.2008 - 20:43

ph34r.gif evolution

Downloads (~29 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...22.3.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 22.09.2008 - 19:25

ph34r.gif evolution 2.24.0

Downloads (~31,0 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.24.0.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 20.10.2008 - 19:06

ph34r.gif evolution 2.24.1

Downloads (~31,0 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.24.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 10.11.2008 - 14:57

ph34r.gif evolution

Downloads (~31,2 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...24.1.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 24.11.2008 - 17:41

ph34r.gif evolution 2.24.2

Downloads (~31,2 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.24.2.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 26.02.2009 - 14:21

ph34r.gif evolution 2.24.5

Bug Fixes:
Downloads (~31,2 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.24.5.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 15.04.2009 - 13:52

ph34r.gif Evolution 2.26.1

Bug Fixes:
#504767 : Inherit modality from a parent's window, if any (Milan Crha)
#523802 : Use copy of the preview panel, when focused, and events' copy otherwise (Milan Crha)
#529745 : Add more file types in a file filter (Milan Crha)
#537530 : Use g_filename_to_utf8 for attachment filenames (Takao Fujiwara)
#539002 : Show all other certificates in a contact tab (Milan Crha)
#552583 : Compare only user names, without a domain part, if such exists (Milan Crha)
#569765 : Don't keep the selected message in the message list if it is removed from the folder (Matt McCutchen)
#574248 : Compare base URI case insensitively (Milan Crha)
#574680 : Remove all headers except "References" and "In-Reply-To" when composing from an existing message (Milan Crha)
#576694 : Handle absolute font sizes correctly (Matthew Barnes)
#576696 : Set mandatory properties (Milan Crha)
#576845 : Call jh_tree_refill instead of label_tree_refill (Hiroyuki Ikezoe)
#576921 : Remove needless GtkListStore objects (Hiroyuki Ikezoe)
#577717 : Fill some default values to mandatory properties of ECalComponentAttendee (Milan Crha)
#577989 : Call gtk_message_dialog_new with a proper format string (Tobias Mueller)
#578034 : Call gtk_message_dialog_new with a proper format string (Tobias Mueller)

Updated Translations:
Aman (pa)
Baris Cicek (tr)
Bruce Cowan (en_GB)
Claude Paroz (fr)
Djihed Afifi (ar)
Ivar Smolin (et)
Jen Ockwell (en_GB)
Jorge Gonzalez (es)
Kjartan Maraas (nb)
Manoj Kumar Giri (or)
Mattias Põldaru (et)
Miloš Popović (sr)
Shankar Prasad (kn)
Simos Xenitellis (el)
Takeshi AIHANA (ja)

Downloads (~31,3 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.26.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 17.04.2009 - 18:03

ph34r.gif evolution

Bug Fixes:
#578685 – evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in IA__g_ascii_strcasecmp() (Takao Fujiwara)

Downloads (~31,3 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...26.1.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 19.05.2009 - 20:37

ph34r.gif evolution 2.26.2

Downloads (~31,4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.26.2.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 4.08.2009 - 21:23

ph34r.gif evolution 2.26.3

Downloads (~34,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.26.3.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 22.09.2009 - 9:20

ph34r.gif evolution 2.28.0

Downloads (~35,3 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.28.0.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 19.10.2009 - 14:20

ph34r.gif evolution 2.28.1

Bug Fixes:
#552552 - File/Empty Trash does not expunge maildir folder
(Milan Crha)
#592117 - Calendar printout love
#592313 - Default label names untranslated (Milan Crha)
#594373 - Calendar notifications are not cleared from system tray
(Milan Crha)
#595501 - Crash on a changed filter rule removal (Milan Crha)
#595923 - Fix user doc compilation warnings (Akhil Laddha)
#595938 - User doc clean up (Akhil Laddha)
#596130 - Use correct Name and GenericName in .desktop file
(William Jon McCann)
#596157 - Use "Message-ID" instead of "Message-Id" (Matthew Barnes)
#596160 - Compiler warnings about _MailComponentPrivate.quit_state
(Yan Li)
#596712 - Recovered messages not autosaved until modification
(Matthew Barnes)
#596800 - Hang on contacts merging (Milan Crha)
#597108 - E_CONFIG_SECTION headers not properly escaped
(Matthew Barnes)
#597564 - Invalid g_object_unref call in redo_queries (Milan Crha)

Disable gdk_event_get_graphics_expose() call in EMap. (Matthew Barnes)
Various composer autosave fixes. (Matthew Barnes)

Khaled Hosny (ar)
David Planella (ca)
Jorge González (es)
Mattias Põldaru (et)
Claude Paroz (fr)
Luca Ferretti (it)
Takayuki KUSANO (ja)
Åsmund Skjæveland (nn)
Adi Roiban (ro)
Leonid Kanter (ru)
Matej Urbančič (sl)
Andrej Žnidaršič (sl)
Daniel Nylander (sv)

Downloads (~28,4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.28.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 16.12.2009 - 21:02

ph34r.gif evolution 2.28.2

Bug Fixes:
#271836 - Incorrect signature for "model_cell_changed" signal handler
(Li Yuan)
#397265 - Image loading for new contact requires restarting Evolution
(Milan Crha)
#411768 - Drag and drop header columns (Milan Crha)
#468736 - Prevent recursion in em-format (Milan Crha)
#474502 - Don't check for contacts in broken address books (Milan Crha)
#551464 - Paste files into composer as attachments (Matthew Barnes)
#551603 - Special case "positive zero alarms" (Paul Bolle)
#554779 - Removal of task due date does not sync from Palm
(Matt McCutchen 2)
#555901 - Preserve Start/End/Due timezone when editing in list view
(Milan Crha)
#557613 - evolution crashed with SIGSEGV in try_open_e_book_cb()
(Chenthill Palanisamy)
#570835 - Custom e-mail headers inserted with double column
(Milan Crha)
#590127 - Define ETable::vertical-spacing style property (Milan Crha)
#596027 - In Anjal, although invalid mail address warning popup, mail's
tab closed automatically (Yan Li)
#596566 - Crash on quit with composer window opened (Milan Crha)
#596827 - Don't remove meeting attendees after edit (Milan Crha)
#597582 - Original Date: header should be given precedence
(David Woodhouse)
#599124 - Signature always includes an empty line in front of text
(Milan Crha)
#599190 - Drag and drop broken for received MIME parts (Matthew Barnes)
#599245 - Use bitwise AND instead of logical AND for checking flags
(Thomas Andersen)
#599627 - Crash when adding a new task in a table (C de-Avillez)
#599792 - Anjal composer's Send button doesn't work after pressed Save
Drafts button (Yan Li)
#599882 - Crash in em_folder_tree_select_prev_path() when wrapping to
bottom (Matthew Barnes)
#600132 - Direct print from composer fails when special characters used
(Milan Crha)
#600133 - Crash on day view print preview without all day events
(Milan Crha)
#601202 - Evo deletes system addressbook (Bharath Acharya)
#601218 - Accepted meeting doesn't show attachments in calendar view
(Milan Crha)
#601219 - Transient dialogs in composer window blocks main window
(Matthew Barnes)
#601644 - Disable rename for system folders (Bharath Acharya)

Other Changes:
Synchronize with attachment logic in Evolution 2.29. (Matthew Barnes)
Improve comments: widgets/misc/e-filter-bar.c (Yan Li)
[PATCH] Output an error message on system filter rules loading
error (Yan Li)
Use same macro name for consistency (Tor Lillqvist)
Add mail_component_show_status_bar (Tor Lillqvist)
Explicitly dllimport/export comp_editor_registry on Windows
(Tor Lillqvist)
Support other forward types for Anjal. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
Sync to disk the outbox, since if we crash, we endup sending mail
again. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
Add support for Googlemail and hotmail/live/msn.com accounts.
(Srinivasa Ragavan)

Mario Blättermann (de)
Ivar Smolin (et)
Åsmund Skjæveland (nn)
A S Alam (pa)

Downloads (~28,4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.28.2.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 2.03.2010 - 21:49

ph34r.gif evolution 2.28.3

Bug Fixes:
#601551 - [PST] evolution crashed with SIGSEGV (Milan Crha)
#554663 - Swap "Save" and "Save as Draft" accelerators in composer
(Matthew Barnes)
#601787 - Double free in destroy_oof_data (Milan Crha)
#602185 - Crash after 'Show only this calendar' (Milan Crha)
#609042 - Convert quoted-printing to UTF-8 when copying to clipboard
(Bharath Acharya)
#610124 - Autosave errors dialogues can't be dismissed (Matthew Barnes)
#607087 - Not all inlined text attachments are included in replies
(Matthew Barnes)
#607741 - Move folder to claims it's copying in status bar (Matthew Barnes)
#607458 - Fix format security warning (Frederic Crozat)
#603480 - [bbdb] Traverse lists in destinations properly (Milan Crha)
#602827 - Disable broken plugins automatically (Milan Crha)
#607234 - Open received attachments as read-only (Matthew Barnes)
#604670 - addressbook-export segfaults when specifying addressbook
(Milan Crha)
#605485 - Keeps search from previous folder in message list (Milan Crha)
#606449 - Empty mail-notification popups (Lucian Langa)
#599794 - Set composer as not changed on reply or forward action
(Milan Crha)
#605600 - Meeting reminders with wrong times (Milan Crha)
#565582 - Make sure the comp_data is not NULL before using it
(Thomas Mittelstaedt)
#606340 - Crash on non-utf8 letter in mail folder name (Milan Crha)
#549988 - "Empty Trash" in Trash popup empties all Trash folders
(Milan Crha)
#595501 - Crash on a changed mail filter action removal (Milan Crha)
#599615 - i18n support for emae and filter-bar when used as lib (Yan Li)
#250046 - Do not count Post To addresses when not shown (Milan Crha)

Other Changes:
Quote filename during restore to prevent user assisted arbitrary
code execution (Tobias Mueller)
Changes in mingw.org last w32api/mingw-rt packages. (Fridrich Strba)
Level the differences with the alternative runtime/header set
(Fridrich Strba)

Nils-Christoph Fiedler (nds)
Mario Blättermann (de)
Åsmund Skjæveland (nn)
Manoj Kumar Giri (or)
Jiri Eischmann (cs)
Krishnababu k (te)
Claude Paroz (fr)
Leonid Kanter (ru)

Downloads (~28,4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.28.3.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 5.03.2010 - 18:04

ph34r.gif evolution

Evolution 2010-03-04

Adding a file without which evolution is not buildable on Windows. (Fridrich Strba)
Revert "Fix distcheck errors. (Fridrich Strba)
Filtering out g_chmod on windows because it makes no sense there. (Fridrich Strba)

Downloads (~28,4 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...28.3.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 30.03.2010 - 21:06

ph34r.gif evolution

Bug Fixes:
#610023 - Does not restore "Current View" on startup (Matthew Barnes)
#611727 - Date navigator marks dates for inactive calendars
(Matthew Barnes)
#612374 - Build failure due to recent GTK+ deprecations (Matthew Barnes)
#612679 - Crash when saving to a directory without permission
(Matthew Barnes)
#612619 - Don't mark message as read after folder change (Matthew Barnes)
#612792 - Crash when trying to delete WebDav addressbook (Matthew Barnes)
#612916 - e_lookup_action() called too early during initialization
(Matthew Barnes)

Other Changes:
Remove unused variables in evolution-shell.pc. (Matthew Barnes)
tag-calendar.c cleanups. (Matthew Barnes)
ECalendar header cleanup. (Matthew Barnes)
Clean up GalView and related classes. (Matthew Barnes)
Prevent "message selected" timeouts from piling up. (Matthew Barnes)
Add a private struct to EMailReader. (Matthew Barnes)
Shell and UI manager cleanups. (Matthew Barnes)
Fix runtime warnings when opening calendar for the first time (Milan Crha)
Clean up data/Makefile.am (Ross Burton)
Don't poke around a GdkWindowObject directly but use gdk_window_get_parent
(Ross Burton)
Add missing includes so that -Werror builds don't fail (Ross Burton)
Fix missing linker flags in the correct Makefile.am. (Matthew Barnes)
Add generic 'express mode' conditionals to the UI XML (Michael Meeks)
Add 'express mode' gconf setting (Michael Meeks)
Clean up the 'express' mode hooks for UI Managers (Michael Meeks)
Restructure capplet stuffs and load only on express mode.
(Srinivasa Ragavan)
Integrate into new account button. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
Integrate account assistant wizard to anjal style. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
Integrate anjal's account capplet lib in start up wizard.
(Srinivasa Ragavan)
Fix POTFILEs to include capplet. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
Libify settings capplet. (Srinivasa Ragavan)
In express mode, give the accounts first place than on this computer.
(Srinivasa Ragavan)
Start the mailer's folder sidebar with a reasonable width
(Federico Mena Quintero)
Update win32 directory relocation and some consistency cleanup
(Fridrich Strba)
Use proper URIs in markup and be consistent in directory names
(Fridrich Strba)
Disabling Gnome schemas for windows (Fridrich Strba)

Matej Urbančič (sl)
Åsmund Skjæveland (nn)
Priit Laes (et)
Alexander Shopov (bg)
Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio (eu)
David Planella (ca)
Changwoo Ryu (ko)
Fran Diéguez (gl)
Kenneth Nielsen (da)
Daniel Nylander (sv)
Jorge González (es)
Nils-Christoph Fiedler (nds)
Duarte Loreto (pt)
Leonid Kanter (ru)
Bruce Cowan (en_GB)
Luca Ferrett (it)
Djavan Fagundes (pt_BR)
Rodrigo Flores (pt_BR)
Claude Paroz (fr)
Bruno Brouard (fr)
Chao-Hsiung Liao (zh_HK)
A S Alam (pa)
Žygimantas Beručka (lt)
Adi Roiban (ro)
Игор Несторовић (sr)
Kostas Papadimas (el)
Μάριος Ζηντίλης (el)
Nikos Bakaoukas (el)
Christian Kirbach (de)
Jamil Ahmed (bn)
Maxim V. Dziumanenko (uk)
Gabor Kelemen (hu)
Kjartan Maraas (nb)
Jiri Eischmann (cs)
Lucas Lommer (cs)

Downloads (~29,6 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...30.0.1.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 26.04.2010 - 19:24

ph34r.gif evolution 2.30.1

Major changes in 2.30.1 are:
* Translation updates
* Support for tracker 0.8.0
* Fix crashes
* Fix emblem scaling in zoomed view
* Fix sensitivity of split-view related menu items
* Control-L closes the extra view first, not the window

Downloads (~5,9 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.30.1.tar.bz2

Урсу, 25.05.2010 - 15:27

Evolution 2.31.2

Размер: 29,92 МБ.

ЭЖД, 21.06.2010 - 17:10

ph34r.gif evolution 2.30.2

Evolution 2.30.2 2010-06-20

Bug Fixes:
Bug 531013 - Proxy login window is not in focus. (Vibha Yadav)
Bug 531912 - Mail inline parser doesn't always work (Milan Crha)
Bug 534369 - [new-mail-notify] Intermittent notifications (Milan Crha)
Bug 576165 - SIGSEGV in e_plugin_mono_register_type (bnc)
(Chenthill Palanisamy)
Bug 585301 - Use camel_init() to initialize NSS consistently
(David Woodhouse)
Bug 585904 - Don't overwrite Date: header when writing Fcc
(David Woodhouse)
Bug 593890 - New folder window is not in focus in filter dialog
(Milan Crha)
Bug 594153 - Allow setting alarms on any meeting (Jim Ramsay)
Bug 599794 - Reopened drafts shouldn't ask for save without change
(Milan Crha)
Bug 603418 - Custom headers not displayed in message preview
(Milan Crha)
Bug 604430 - Calendar view not remembered (Milan Crha)
Bug 608855 - Can't drag and drop multiple attachments (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 611560 - 'Mark as junk' should be disabled in junk folder
(Milan Crha)
Bug 612082 - Crash in em_format_snoop_type (Michel Dänzer)
Bug 613392 - No copyright/licensing information for geo-utils
(Cedric Bosdonnat)
Bug 614346 - Use cached table row height rather than recalculate
(Michel Dänzer)
Bug 615291 - Preview pane's attachment bar accepts drop
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 615384 - Use contact's free/busy URL only when not empty
(Holger Mickler)
Bug 615745 - New task pop up in calendar day view doesn't work
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 616640 - Don't display attachment size if it's unknown
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 616823 - Evolution allows moving IMAP Inbox to other folders
(Milan Crha)
Bug 616889 - Force 24h format for locales not supporting 12h format
(Gert Michael Kulyk)
Bug 617041 - Set translation domain for e-mail-reader actions
(Gert Kulyk)
Bug 617094 - System timezone label not initialized in preferences
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 617150 - Crash printing contacts in List View (Bharath Acharya)
Bug 617557 - Quits without asking user to save unfinished messages
(Milan Crha)
Bug 617865 - Various data file cleanups (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 618113 - Missing icon in alarm dialog (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 618177 - Mobile Phone of imported contacts not shown in preview
(Milan Crha)
Bug 618400 - "Mark All Messages as Read" shortcut missing
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 618902 - Crash when viewing/closing messages quickly
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 619010 - Mailer's crash avoidance features are broken
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 619098 - mail_shell_backend_sync_store_cb() has wrong signature
(Jonathon Jongsma)
Bug 619345 - GtkHTML color settings not being honored (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 619417 - system_tz_label is not translated in cal-prefs-dialog
(Gert Michael Kulyk)
Bug 620150 - EventEditor: Disconnect signal handlers before disposing
model (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 620602 - Next/prev shortcuts should focus message list
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 620628 - Checkbox in vfolder deletion prompt is saved backwards
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 621839 - Improve auto-selection of messages (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 621958 - Due date is not displayed in message list (Matthew Barnes)

Other Changes:
* Use default headers when none stored to display in mailer (Milan Crha)
* Fix a typo on Makefile.am that prevents installation of a big
chunk of the stock icons (Fridrich Štrba)
* Create the source groups required to ensure local adresssbooks
and calendars are created (Chenthill Palanisamy)
* Improve attachment bar selection behavior. (Matthew Barnes)
* Fix alignment of lblCarset in composer-prefs-dialog
(Gert Michael Kulyk)
* Add more missing icons for GtkhtmlEditor. (Matthew Barnes)
* Warn the user before marking all messages as read
(Chenthill Palanisamy)
* Various win32 improvements (Fridrich Štrba)

Ivar Smolin (et)
Christian Kirbach (de)
Peteris Krisjanis (lv)
Rudolfs Mazurs (lv)
Wadim Dziedzic (pl)

Downloads (~31,8 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.30.2.tar.bz2

ЭЖД, 19.08.2010 - 16:39

ph34r.gif evolution 2.30.3

Bug Fixes:
Bug 598833 - Do not ship dropped evo_mail_notifier.png
(Yves-Alexis Perez)
Bug 604262 - "Copy Email Address" should also copy to primary
clipboard (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 612178 - Do not access CamelStreamMem::buffer directly (Milan Crha)
Bug 615049 - Crash in remove_contact at e-addressbook-model.c:202
(Milan Crha)
Bug 617854 - Critical warnings in calendar view (Milan Crha)
Bug 619959 - Crash in format_itip at itip-formatter.c line 2567
(Milan Crha)
Bug 621819 - Can't drag message attachments to folders (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 621839 - Improve auto-selection of messages (take two)
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 622329 - Help menu points to the wrong FAQ page (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 622535 - Account assistant loops on first run (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 622547 - mail_async_event_destroy() doesn't cancel its idle
callback (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 622559 - Changing search option should focus search entry
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 622633 - Can't launch Evolution from clock applet (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 623029 - Work week days not restored on start (Milan Crha)
Bug 623796 - Post Message to List asks for confirmation on close
(Milan Crha)
Bug 624237 - Fails to start when smartcard is inserted (Matthew Barnes)
Bug 624335 - Abort after group-by-thread with certain sorting
(Milan Crha)
Bug 624677 - Missing keyboard shortcut for "Save as mbox"
(Matthew Barnes)
Bug 625204 - Typo in e_day_view_finish_long_event_resize()
(Thomas Mittelstaedt)
Bug 626059 - Welcome messages has incorrect links (Christian Kirbach)

Other Changes:
* EHintedEntry: Don't select hints on grab_focus(). (Matthew Barnes)
* Use PVOID instead of gpointer when working with COM+ function
pointers (Fridrich Štrba)
* Fix two memory leaks when replying (David Woodhouse)
* Allow edit accounts in the capplet to go fwd/back.
(Srinivasa Ragavan)
* Various folder tree icon enhancements. (Matthew Barnes)

Christian Kirbach (de)
Nana Suryana (id)
Shankar Prasad (kn)
Sandeep Shedmake (mr)
Armijn Hemel (nl)
krishnababu k (te)

Downloads (~31,7 Mb)_ftp://ftp.gnome.org/...2.30.3.tar.bz2

версия для печати -> Полная версия

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