
InnoIDE v1.0.0.0077


удобный редактор скриптов для Inno Setup

Дата публикации:

HugoBo-SS, 27.05.2011 - 22:46

InnoIDE v1.0.0.0077

Редактор скриптов Inno Setup, имеет более удобный и продвинутый интерфейс, в отличии от родного. ( почти WYSIWYG wink.gif )

InnoIDE is a brand new interface for generating Microsoft Windows installations using the free [InnoSetup] compiler from Jordan Russel.

InnoIDE simplifies the generation of installations by allowing InnoSetup scripts to be created and edited in a purely graphical way without having to edit the script manually.

Whether it's a small freeware application you've created, or a large, complex application, InnoIDE can help you create the perfect installation to fit your requirements.

Below is a list of InnoIDE features. The product is being constantly developed so this list will be updated frequently.
Extremely intuitive user interface
Support for the latest version of InnoSetup, both unicode & non-unicode
Fully configurable syntax highlighting for Inno script & Pascal script
#include files are automatically opened and can be edited directly
Navigate your Pascal script quickly using the procedure/function list
Code experts - e.g. MessageBox expert (idea taken from GExperts)
Pascal code macros insert code structures as you type
Internet update function with support for proxy servers
Integrates with the InnoSetup project wizard



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