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DipTrace 1.22.r1 + crack
Программа разработки принципиальных схем, печатных плат.
DipTrace is a complete state-of-the-art PCB Design System.
It includes:
PCB Layout — PCB design with an easy to use manual route and autorouter.
Schematic — Schematic Capture and export to PCB.
Pattern Editor — allows you to create part footprints.
Component Editor — allows you to draw parts and make components.
DipTrace provides the following features:Easy to learn user interfaceTo design a schematic, simply select and place components onto your document and connect them together using the wire and bus tools of schematic capture program. Multisheet design is supported. Then select the menu option “Convert to Board” to convert the schematic to PCB layout. When you create or edit design objects they are highlighted to improve your work.
Easy to use manual and powerful automatic routingDipTrace pcb software includes an advanced automatic router that is able to route single-layer and multi-layer boards. Available with a “rip-up and retry” algorithm. Autorouter achieves extremely high completion rates by going back and re-routing nets to make space for connections that could not be routed on a previous pass. Use the intelligent manual routing tools to finish the design and to get the best results you want. Unlimited board size and unlimited number of layers are supported.
Shape-based copper pourPowerful copper pour system can help to reduce your manufacturing costs by minimizing the amount of etching solution required. To use it, all you have to do is insert a copper area on your board in the pcb layout program and any pad or track inside the selected area will be automatically surrounded with a gap of the desired size.
Accurate Design Rule Check (DRC)The DRC function allows you to check the clearance between design objects, minimum size of tracks, and drills. Errors are displayed graphically and you can fix them step-by-step and rerun the DRC in one click after any corrections.
Manufacturing output formatsDipTrace provides support for a number of different manufacturing output formats. Using this pcb software you can produce N/C Drill files for numerically controlled (N.C.) drilling machines and RS-274X Gerber files for sending to board manufacturers. Vectorizing function allows to export true-type fonts and raster images. Also, you are able to export the board to other CAD/CAM packages using AutoCAD DXF.
Producing PCBs using milling methodDipTrace allows you to export edge polylines to DXF. The DXF files can be converted to G-code with Ace Converter (it's Free). Before edge exporting the DRC function of pcb layout program checks the design and shows possible problems if exist.
Standard component librariesDipTrace package includes component and pattern libraries which contain 50.000+ components from different manufacturerers.
Creation of your own librariesComponent and pattern editors allow to design your own symbols and patterns, to create complete components simply connect them together by means of component editor.
DipTrace представляет собой полнофункциональную систему для разработки принципиальных схем и печатных плат. Включает в себя четыре программы:
- DipTrace - проектирование плат с удобной интерактивной и автоматической трассировкой.
- Schematic - создание принципиальных схем с последующей возможностью перевода их в платы.
- ComEdit - редактор корпусов для печатной платы.
- SchemEdit - редактор компонентов. Рисование символов схемотехники и связка их с корпусами. Работа сопровождается подсветкой редактируемых объектов и связанных с ними (в зависимости от ситуации) для улучшения наглядного восприятия платы или принципиальной схемы. Редактирование одного объекта ведет за собой соответствующие изменения связанных с ним: система не допускает "висящих в воздухе" связей или сетей, поскольку при построении сразу создается логическая структура принципиальной схемы или платы, изменять которую можно как в наглядном режиме (рисование), так и указывая связи в табличном виде.
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