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Asymptote 2.08, мощный язык описания векторной графики
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[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

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Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
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ph34r.gif Asymptote 1.03

Asymptote -- мощный язык описания векторной графики, обеспечивающий естественную, основанную на координатах среду для технических чертежей. Метки и формулы набираются при помощи LaTeX, что обеспечивает высококачественный PostScript-вывод.

Downloads (~2,2 Mb)_http://mesh.dl.source...03.i386.tar.gz
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10.03.2007 - 9:54

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 4.437
Регистрация: 14.10.2005
Из: EU
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Asymptote 1.22

Об изменениях ничего не сообщается.

user posted image Скачать:
http://downloads.sour...te-1.22.tar.gz ~875kb
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10.09.2007 - 14:09

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Asymptote 1.33

Asymptote ( is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language for technical drawing, inspired by MetaPost but with an improved C++-like syntax. Asymptote provides for figures the same high-quality level of typesetting that LaTeX does for scientific text. Routines to find the 3D and projected 2D bounding boxes of Bezier surfaces were added to the surface module, along with the standard teapot example. Extended for loops were documented. The page numbering of slide presentations with stepping enabled was fixed. The int type is now a long long type (typically a 64-bit integer). Support for reading and writing 64-bit integers in binary and XDR modes and large file support were added. Input files are now opened in input-only mode. Multiple invocations of labelpath now work. A projection bug in the grid3 module was fixed. The search path order was changed: directories specified by the dir configuration variable are now examined before the .asy subdirectory in the user's home directory. User configuration files are ignored during installation. Some bugs in asy-mode.el were fixed. Texput files are removed again. A memory allocation incompatibility in the workaround for old, broken readline libraries was fixed. The framepoint and truepoint routines now work even when an exact picture size estimate is unavailable; a picture scaling bug was fixed. Writing to a file specified with -o /dir/file.eps is allowed again. A quarticroots solver was added, the cubicroots solver was improved, and a complex quadraticroots solver was added. A workaround for broken texi2dvi installations was implemented. Memory leaks were fixed. The garbage collector was update to gc-7.0; upgrading to gv-3.6.3 is also recommended. A segmentation fault in complement was fixed.

Downloads (~992 Kb)_http://heanet.dl.sour...e-1.33.src.tgz
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icon11 2.03.2008 - 20:04

Mr. SoftoRooMan
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

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Asymptote 1.42

Release Notes for Version 1.42

A routine was added for projecting a Label onto a given plane;
an ambiguity in the three-dimensional scale routine was resolved.
An inside(path p, path q, pen fillrule=currentpen) routine was added to
determine if one path is strictly within another. Optional arrows were
added to the slopefield routines. The movie function now generates
multipage PDF animations when format="pdf" and global=true; a fit argument
was added to support an optional filled bounding box for each movie frame.
Casts were added between the hsv structure and pens. Bad casts from TeX
bidirectional pipe are now caught. In inline latex mode, TeX headers are
now output only when needed. A bug in the cancellation of text addition in
xasy was fixed. The sticky bit is no longer set when creating the ~/.asy
directory. The documentation and FAQ were updated.
The dot(real[] a, real[] cool.gif routine now returns the dot product of the
vectors a and b; this introduced a backwards incompatibility:
dot(x,y) should now be replaced with dot(pairs(x,y)).

» Changes «

Size: ~ 3.2 MB

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19.12.2010 - 22:44

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Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 1.326
Регистрация: 21.01.2010
Из: Kiev
Пользователь №: 1.650.061

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Asymptote 2.08

Размер: 1.64 MB
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