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zFTPServer v2.0, Мощный и быстрый FTP-сервер
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[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 1.878
Регистрация: 6.06.2006
Из: Чернигов
Пользователь №: 555

Респектов: 726

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Мощный и быстрый FTP-сервер с поддержкой 256-битного SSL/TLS шифрования и другими полезными фичами:
• Сервер может запускаться как сервис.
• Удаленное администрирование.
• Гибкие настройки ограничений(трафик, скорость,фильтры...).
• Создание структуры виртуальных каталогов.
• Допускает назначение одному каталогу нескольких ресурсов на винте.
• Создание групп пользователей.
• Обновления.

При установке сервер монтируется на всех внешних интерфейсах. Настройка ограничений доступна после включения опции Show Advanced Settings. Бесплатен.

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Возможности программы:
• Virtual filesystem: Possible to mount any disk drive or directories anywhere within the home directory of a user or group.
• SSL/TLS support: Very strong encryption support (up to 256 bits AES).
• Automatic updates: The server will update automatically (or just notify) when a new version is available (optional).
• Scripting friendly: The server can be controlled through a standard TCP/IP connection, making scripts very easy to develop (e.g. creating new accounts through php).
• Remote administration: The server and graphical user interface is separated which easily enables remote maintenance of the server.
• UTF-8: The server can switch to UTF-8 mode to allow special (multibyte) characters.
• Being a system service: Built in WindowsNT/2000/ XP/2003 service support.
• Ultrafast transfer speed: More than 11MByte/sec. average on 100MBit LAN, outperformes most of the "famous" windows ftp servers.
• Passive mode host / ip option: Ability to specify a host name for a server with dynamic ip adress to use in passive mode, e.g.
• Powerful user and group account management: Users and Groups may join multiple number of groups simultaneously.
• Support for upload balancing: With the virtual filesystem users' uploads may end up where there is space.
• Advanced IP-Access management: Access rights with respect to ip adresses or domain names may be specified, granting or denying access from specific locations.
• Advanced Account expiration: Accounts can be expired after a specific criteria has been fullfilled. Criterias include expiration after a specific date, after a specified number of days/weeks/months has passed, number of downloads performed and more.
• Anti-Hammering: The server can automatically detect and block multiple attempts to connect that for instance try to brute force passwords.

Список изменений:
• The following translations are now included: English, Swedish, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Portuguese, Slovak, Hungarian, German and French.
• This major update includes support for SSL/TLS.

Работает под Windows 9x/NT/ME/2000/XP/2003.

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