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Stickies 10.1a, листочки с напоминаниями на рабочий стол
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Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 214
Регистрация: 14.03.2005
Из: Москва, Россия
Пользователь №: 8.737

Респектов: 28


Stickies — программа для создания заметок на рабочем столе компьютера. Главная функция программы — напоминать о событиях которые должны состояться в назначенный день и время, но большое количество полезных и удобных функций превращают ее в отличный инструмент, возможности которого значительно превышают возможности обычных «желтеньких наклеек».

К напоминаниям созданным с помощью Stickies можно добавить текст, аудиофайлы или изображения; их можно легко отправить другу или партнеру; вид стикеров можно настроить изменяя их цвет, шрифт, размер и т.д. Существует возможность прикрепления заметок не только к какому-то месту рабочего стола, но и к конкретной ссылке или документу.

Основные возможности Stickies:
— Заметки сохраняют свое размещения даже после перезагрузки системы.
— Возможность настройки вида заметок (шрифт, цвет, кнопки, размер...).
— Возможность внесения в заметки текста, изображений и аудио-файлов.
— Заметки могут быть прикреплены к конкретному веб-сайту, документу, папке.
— Напоминания могут быть переданы с одного ПК на другой посредством соединения TCP/IP, или используя почтовый сервер SMTP или клиент MAPI.
— Иерархический список друзей, который может быть автоматически перенесен от одного пользователя к другому.
— Звуковое оповещение о получении заметки.
— Электронная подпись для переданных и отправленных по почте заметок.
— Возможность сокрытия заметок до определенной даты и времени.
— Периодические напоминания (раз в день, неделю, год).

Windows: All
Интерфейс: English
Лицензия: Freeware
Размер: ~0,6 Mb
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26.05.2005 - 18:04

Опытный юзверь

Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 149
Регистрация: 14.09.2004
Из: Кирова
Пользователь №: 1.640

Респектов: 1


Сколько видел таких програм, но ни одна не нравилась... а эта очень приятная в работе... и дизайн хороший
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icon1 19.03.2007 - 6:40

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Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 422
Регистрация: 3.05.2005
Пользователь №: 12.837

Респектов: 47

Хорошая прога)

уже 6.0 b

а еще Скины
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icon11 19.01.2008 - 19:25

Mr. SoftoRooMan
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: СуперМодераторы
Сообщений: 8.030
Регистрация: 10.10.2005
Из: LG
Пользователь №: 21

Респектов: 1413

Stickies 6.5a

What's new (since version 6.0c)

New features

API to allow integration with other applications
Skin language v4 supported (scrollbars, alpha drawing, suggested default style)
Typing [ followed by ] gives you a checkbox which can be double-clicked to alter its state
Several buttons will repeat if the mouse button is held down (scroll up, scroll down, page up, page down, dimension conditions)
A new GPO setting to log all network stickies to the server, for administrative monitoring
Wildcards are now available for use with window classes when attaching
Alt-space brings up the text context menu
Advanced AttachShowSystemWindows=1 ini file setting to control whether additional windows are shown in the attach dialog
Advanced AllowTransparentBackgrounds=1 ini file setting to control whether stickies colour can be set to the region colour

Some context-sensitive help was not opening correctly on the General options tab
Attaching using a wildcard was not working correctly
Storing an empty sticky no longer generates an error
Warning about using a skin with regions is now displayed correctly pre-Windows 2000
Stickies set to Autowidth near the right of the screen will now load back in their correct positions
Context-sensitive help is now set correctly for the Change Title dialog, after other similar dialogs have been displayed
Autowidth stickies now size the correct side as they're loaded
Skin button action "attach" now works
Tooltips are only created for buttons which have a conditional display when that condition is met
Attached stickies can now be rolled up
Sleeping for values larger than 99 would only sleep for 99 of that amount
MAPI usage under Vista will no longer crash Stickies
Double-clicking words inbetween two <> elements now works
Crash caused by restoring a closed sticky when it's only just been modified fixed
Crash when "Bring all stickies to front when one is clicked" is off, "Confirm closure" is on, and user clicks delete multiple times fixed
Searching for terms in the Manage dialog which contain [ or ] no longer causes a problem
Chinese IME drop menu "Candidate words" no longer closed mid-selection
Copying a stored sticky within categories now copies the text of the sticky as well
Starting a drag and drop in Manage, moving over the categories, and then not dropping onto a category no longer causes the category list selection to get "stuck"
Crash when opening a context-menu search term from the Manage dialog fixed
Pasting non-Western characters, and text from Office 2007 into a sticky works better
Sizing the sticky by the bottom-right corner will no longer snap to a zero width or height
Sizing the sticky by the bottom-left corner will no longer "disappear" the sticky when snapping is disabled

Stickies brought back from store have a create date of when they were restored, not Jan 1970
Tab order on the Sleep/Alarm dialog improved
Blank stickies which have a title are now closed rather than deleted
Single-clicking the task-tray icon while the Manage dialog is showing search results is much faster
Context-sensitive help tooltips now use 8pt Tahoma, so non-Western characters can be displayed
Improved handling of URL launching when a <> is present on a sticky
Exporting categories in the Manage dialog currently does so as plain text, not as RTF
"Green" on the Font menu is now green rather than lime
Font colour menu items text is now set to that colour
Styles and Skin dialog skin preview improved - no more odd colours around it
"Recurring" icon altered in Manage dialog to be less similar to the "Sleeping" icon
The code which puts a sticky on the screen rewritten from scratch
The "Double-clicking the title bar:" option now does only what it says, and doesn't also prevent skins from rolling

Size: ~ 975 KB

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2.05.2008 - 7:27


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 298
Регистрация: 30.12.2006
Из: Северной столицы
Пользователь №: 296.968

Респектов: 21


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icon11 10.11.2009 - 12:24

Mr. SoftoRooMan
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: СуперМодераторы
Сообщений: 8.030
Регистрация: 10.10.2005
Из: LG
Пользователь №: 21

Респектов: 1413

Stickies 7.0b

Stickies Versions v7.0a
What's new since version 6.7a

New features
Image stickies
Unicode titles
"Show System windows" checkbox in Attach dialog
Attached stickies can be set to only appear if the window is visible (not minimised)
"Snap back to transparent" option
Sticky ID added to properties
33 new API commands
New sticky from clipboard
Sleep until / Tomorrow added to Sleep menu
PDA keys can now be entered in Stickies
Text background highlighting
stickies.1wk now written after one week of continuous operation
Live preview of setting transparency
Control-F now searches text within a sticky
Stickies can be moved directly from any category to any other in the Manage dialog
Backup function
Drop shadows
Font name MRU list
Sticky colour can be set in the Manage dialog
Sticky colour is now shown in the Manage dialog
Individual Desktop stickies can be hidden/revealed in the Manage dialog
Recovery dialog for when Stickies detects an error with the data file
"Ghost" mode for Desktop stickies can be set from the Manage dialog so they're not clickable
Individual Stickies can have different skins (alt-s to choose, shift-alt-s to return to default)
RTL (right-to-left) default option for new stickies, and left shft+control / right shift+control to set paragraphs
New sticky "force title on create" option
"Locked stickies are also frozen in place" option
"Rolled stickies have an alternate position" option. Hold shift as you toggle rolled to reset
Two new global shortcuts, "new sticky from clipboard" and "show manage dialog"
New sizing method - hold alt and click near the edge of a text sticky to resize it
A sync of Friends can now be set to happen every X minutes

Tab order fixed on Properties dialog
Tab order fixed on Manage dialog
Tabbing around the options dialog now works better
Stickies complely within, or surrounding others, are now correctly included in bulk operations
Bug when unable to store multiple using bulk select fixed - the OK button is no longer grayed out
"DLL not found" error better handled
Closing an attached and visible sticky now discards the attach information
Occasional failure to snap bug fixed
Links in the About dialog now open more reliably
Editing the wake time of a sleeping sticky now sets the "user" checkboxes correctly
Can now add file associations under 64-bit Windows (but still not remove them)
Double-control taps to bring up the favourite friend list are now more reliable
Storing a sticky using a skin button now works correctly
Bulk-storing a number of stickies sets the right title for the sticky clicked
Enabling SMTP email without specifying an email address now displays an error
Bulk actions now apply to rolled stickies as well

It's now clearer the window title and class can be edited in the Attach dialog
sstore.ini can no longer be imported
Colour picker dialog improved
"Default height for text" is disabled when scrollbars are disabled
Version of Stickies written into data file
"Open Friends dialog" has moved from Control-F to Control-Shift-F
F2 edits the sticky title
The default for dragging from stored to desktop is now move, not copy
The last selected category in the Manage dialog is now stored
Manage dialog can now be maximised
Sleep for > 6 added
Trying to sleep or set an alarm in the past now displays an informative message
Alarm borders now fade instead of flashing
The return code form file:// links is now added to the debug log
Windows 7 is now recognised
Added "Sender:" and "Date:" SMTP headers
Best available Windows file open/save dialog is now used
Rolled Up / Unrolled menu items
Right-click menu item in Manage to edit properties of sleeping/recurring/attached
Command line options:
Options dialog rearranged and some text updated for better use of screen, and to keep similar options together. Styles dialog integrated into the Options dialog, and an "Apply now" button added for skin preview
Alt-r toggles rolled mode
Alt-c inserts a checkbox
Number of selected stickies displayed when performing bulk operations
Triple-clicking a line now also selected the CR at the end of the line
The -hidden command line option is now an checkbox in options
Arial font changed to "Arial Unicode MS" in font list
Closing the application appears to happen faster
No application restart required to change the "Clicking one sticky makes all stickies visible" option
Closing a sticky doesn't bring forward another when the "Clicking one sticky makes all stickies visible" option is unchecked
The text area no longer shows when a sticky using a skin with the "rolled height" larger than the "top gap" is rolled up
The large text at the top of the About dialog uses a better font
Stickies can now be sized from the top edge and corners
Can no longer set a style and then immediately open it by holding shift
Control-s is now "Save As"
Exporting to CSV from the Manage dialog now writes a heading row
The default skin title grab area is wider to also cover the "Attached" indicator
Unique ID written to the data file
The .sti file format has altered and is not backwards compatible

Size: ~ 1.0 MB

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27.02.2012 - 1:10

Born in the USSR
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10.918
Регистрация: 9.09.2006
Из: Mogilev
Пользователь №: 224.934

Респектов: 3977

Stickies 7.1с

24th February 2012

» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

Язык интерфейса: Многоязычный (в т.ч. Русский)
Тип лицензии: FreeWare
1.1 Mb

Russian language
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11.11.2012 - 21:21

Born in the USSR
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10.918
Регистрация: 9.09.2006
Из: Mogilev
Пользователь №: 224.934

Респектов: 3977

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17.06.2014 - 22:43

Born in the USSR
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10.918
Регистрация: 9.09.2006
Из: Mogilev
Пользователь №: 224.934

Респектов: 3977

Stickies 8.0a Eng

What's new
» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

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4.06.2017 - 14:32

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: СуперМодераторы
Сообщений: 9.562
Регистрация: 2.05.2006
Пользователь №: 158.398

Респектов: 5934

Stickies 9.0d

Download Stickies 9.0d setup program (1643kb)

Download Russian language DLL (204kb)


What's new Stickies Versions

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