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Git 1.7.5, распределённая СКВ файлов
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[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Git (произн. «гит») — распределённая система управления версиями файлов. Проект был создан Линусом Торвальдсом для управления разработкой ядра Linux. На сегодняшний день поддерживается Джунио Хамано (англ. Junio C. Hamano).

Примерами проектов, использующих Git, являются Linux kernel, Cairo, GNU Core Utilities, Mesa, Wine и некоторые дистрибутивы GNU/Linux.

Программа является свободной и выпущена под лицензией GNU GPL версии 2.

Система спроектирована как набор программ, специально разработанных с учётом их использования в скриптах. Это позволяет удобно создавать специализированные системы контроля версий на базе Git или пользовательские интерфейсы. Например, Cogito является именно таким примером фронтенда к репозиториям Git, а StGit использует Git для управления коллекцией патчей.

Git поддерживает быстрое разделение и слияние версий, включает инструменты для визуализации и навигации по нелинейной истории разработки. Как и Darcs, BitKeeper, Mercurial, SVK, Bazaar и Monotone, Git предоставляет каждому разработчику локальную копию всей истории разработки, изменения копируются из одного репозитория в другой.

Удалённый доступ к репозиториям Git обеспечивается git-daemon, SSH- или HTTP-сервером. TCP-сервис git-daemon входит в дистрибутив Git и является наряду с SSH наиболее распространённым и надёжным методом доступа. Метод доступа по HTTP, несмотря на ряд ограничений, очень популярен в контролируемых сетях, потому что позволяет использование существующих конфигураций сетевых фильтров.

Обмен изменениями с другими системами контроля версий:
  • CVS — импорт и экспорт, эмуляция CVS-сервера, в стандартной поставке
  • Subversion — импорт и экспорт (частично), в стандартной поставке
  • .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 (серии версионированых файлов) — импорт и экспорт, в стандартной поставке
Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии

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7.12.2009 - 11:38

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.6.5.4

* Manual pages can be formatted with older xmlto again.

* GREP_OPTIONS exported from user's environment could have broken
our scripted commands.

* In configuration files, a few variables that name paths can begin with
~/ and ~username/ and they are expanded as expected. This is not a
bugfix but 1.6.6 will have this and without backporting users cannot
easily use the same ~/.gitconfig across versions.

* "git diff -B -M" did the same computation to hash lines of contents
twice, and held onto memory after it has used the data in it
unnecessarily before it freed.

* "git diff -B" and "git diff --dirstat" was not counting newly added
contents correctly.

* "git format-patch revisions... -- path" issued an incorrect error
message that suggested to use "--" on the command line when path
does not exist in the current work tree (it is a separate matter if
it makes sense to limit format-patch with pathspecs like that
without using the --full-diff option).

* "git grep -F -i StRiNg" did not work as expected.

* Enumeration of available merge strategies iterated over the list of
commands in a wrong way, sometimes producing an incorrect result.

* "git shortlog" did not honor the "encoding" header embedded in the
commit object like "git log" did.

* Reading progress messages that come from the remote side while running
"git pull" is given precedence over reading the actual pack data to
prevent garbled progress message on the user's terminal.

* "git rebase" got confused when the log message began with certain
strings that looked like Subject:, Date: or From: header.

* "git reset" accidentally run in .git/ directory checked out the
work tree contents in there.

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11.12.2009 - 22:56

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.6.5.5

* "git add -p" had a regression since v1.6.5.3 that broke deletion of
non-empty files.

* "git archive -o -- Makefile" produced an archive in
but in POSIX tar format.

* Error message given to "git pull --rebase" when the user didn't give
enough clue as to what branch to integrate with still talked about
"merging with" the branch.

* Error messages given by "git merge" when the merge resulted in a
fast-forward still were in plumbing lingo, even though in v1.6.5
we reworded messages in other cases.

* The post-upload-hook run by upload-pack in response to "git fetch" has
been removed, due to security concerns (the hook first appeared in

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17.12.2009 - 21:26

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.6.5.6

* If a user specifies a color for a (i.e. a class of things to show
in a particular color) that is known only by newer versions of git
(e.g. "color.diff.func" was recently added for upcoming 1.6.6 release),
an older version of git should just ignore them. Instead we diagnosed
it as an error.

* With help.autocorrect set to non-zero value, the logic to guess typoes
in the subcommand name misfired and ran a random nonsense command.

* If a command is run with an absolute path as a pathspec inside a bare
repository, e.g. "rev-list HEAD -- /home", the code tried to run
strlen() on NULL, which is the result of get_git_work_tree(), and

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9.01.2010 - 19:04

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif GIT 1.6.6

Из новшеств можно отметить:
  • обновление графических интерфейсов gitk и git-gui,
  • улучшение работы git-svn,
  • уменьшение потребления памяти при выполнении "git diff -B",
    реализована команда "git notes" для добавления аннотаций к уже совершенным коммитам,
  • теперь, из bisect можно возвращаться на произвольный коммит с помощью "git bisect reset";
  • в файлах конфигурации в некоторых путях допустимо указывать ~/ и ~username/,
  • улучшение юзабилити и оформления вывода в большом числе команд.
В новой версии также проведена подготовка к ожидаемому в следующей версии 1.7.0 частичному нарушению совместимости. При использованию конструкций, поведение которых планируется изменить в версии 1.7.0, git теперь выводит предупреждения, позволяя заблаговременно адаптироваться к будущим новшествам и подготовить к ним свои скрипты. В частности, скоро будет запрещено выполнение "git push" в ветках для которых была выполнена команда "

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21.01.2010 - 19:54

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.6.6

* "git blame" did not work well when commit lacked the author name.

* "git branch -a name" wasn't diagnosed as an error.

* "git count-objects" did not handle packfiles that are bigger than 4G on
platforms with 32-bit off_t.

* "git checkout -m other" while on a branch that does not have any commit
segfaulted, instead of failing.

* "git fast-import" choked when fed a tag that do not point at a

* "git grep" finding from work tree files could have fed garbage to
the underlying regexec(3).

* "git grep -L" didn't show empty files (they should never match, and
they should always appear in -L output as unmatching).

* "git rebase -i" did not abort cleanly if it failed to launch the editor.

* "git reset --hard" did not work correctly when GIT_WORK_TREE environment
variable is used to point at the root of the true work tree.

* http-backend was not listed in the command list in the documentation.

* Building on FreeBSD (both 7 and 8) needs OLD_ICONV set in the Makefile

* "git checkout -m some-branch" while on an unborn branch crashed.

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11.02.2010 - 19:24

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.6.6.2

* recursive merge didn't correctly diagnose its own programming errors,
and instead caused the caller to segfault.

* The new "smart http" aware clients probed the web servers to see if
they support smart http, but did not fall back to dumb http transport
correctly with some servers.

* Time based reflog syntax e.g. "@{yesterday}" didn't diagnose a misspelled
time specification and instead assumed "@{now}".

* "git archive HEAD -- no-such-directory" produced an empty archive
without complaining.

* "git blame -L start,end -- file" misbehaved when given a start that is
larger than the number of lines in the file.

* "git checkout -m" didn't correctly call custom merge backend supplied
by the end user.

* "git config -f " misbehaved when run from a subdirectory.

* "git cvsserver" didn't like having regex metacharacters (e.g. '+') in
CVSROOT environment.

* "git fast-import" did not correctly handle large blobs that may
bust the pack size limit.

* "git gui" is supposed to work even when launched from inside a .git

* "git gui" misbehaved when applying a hunk that ends with deletion.

* "git imap-send" did not honor imap.preformattedHTML as documented.

* "git log" family incorrectly showed the commit notes unconditionally by
mistake, which was especially irritating when running "git log --oneline".

* "git status" shouldn't require an write access to the repository.

Other minor documentation updates are included.

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1.03.2010 - 19:40

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.7.0

* In a freshly created repository "rev-parse HEAD^0" complained that
it is dangling symref, even though "rev-parse HEAD" didn't.

* "git show :no-such-name" tried to access the index without bounds
check, leading to a potential segfault.

* Message from "git cherry-pick" was harder to read and use than necessary
when it stopped due to conflicting changes.

* We referred to ".git/refs/" throughout the documentation when we
meant to talk about abstract notion of "ref namespace". Because
people's repositories often have packed refs these days, this was

* "git diff --output=/path/that/cannot/be/written" did not correctly
error out.

* "git grep -e -pattern-that-begin-with-dash paths..." could not be
spelled as "git grep -- -pattern-that-begin-with-dash paths..." which
would be a GNU way to use "--" as "end of options".

* "git grep" compiled with threading support tried to access an
uninitialized mutex on boxes with a single CPU.

* "git stash pop -q --index" failed because the unnecessary --index
option was propagated to "git stash drop" that is internally run at the

» Git v1.7.0 Release Notes «

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8.03.2010 - 19:10

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.7.0.1

* GIT_PAGER was not honored consistently by some scripted Porcelains, most
notably "git am".

* updating working tree files after telling git to add them to the
index and while it is still working created garbage object files in
the repository without diagnosing it as an error.

* "git bisect -- pathspec..." did not diagnose an error condition properly when
the simplification with given pathspec made the history empty.

* "git rev-list --cherry-pick A...B" now has an obvious optimization when the
histories haven't diverged (i.e. when one end is an ancestor of the other).

* "git diff --quiet -w" did not work as expected.

* "git fast-import" didn't work with a large input, as it lacked support
for producing the pack index in v2 format.

* "git imap-send" didn't use CRLF line endings over the imap protocol
when storing its payload to the draft box, violating RFC 3501.

* "git log --format='%w(x,y,z)%b'" and friends that rewrap message
has been optimized for utf-8 payload.

* Error messages generated on the receiving end did not come back to "git

* "git status" in 1.7.0 lacked the optimization we used to have in 1.6.X series
to speed up scanning of large working tree.

* "gitweb" did not diagnose parsing errors properly while reading tis configuration

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23.03.2010 - 20:48

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.7.0.2
* Object files are created in a more ACL friendly way in repositories
where group permission is ACL controlled.
* "git add -i" didn't handle a deleted path very well.
* "git blame" padded line numbers with one extra SP when the total number
of lines was one less than multiple of ten due to an off-by-one error.
* "git fetch --all/--multi" used to discard information for remotes that
are fetched earlier.
* "git log --author=me --grep=it" tried to find commits that have "it"
or are written by "me", instead of the ones that have "it" _and_ are
written by "me".
* "git log -g branch" misbehaved when there was no entries in the reflog
for the named branch.
* "git mailinfo" (hence "git am") incorrectly removed initial indent from
* "git prune" and "git reflog" (hence "git gc" as well) didn't honor
an instruction never to expire by setting gc.reflogexpire to never.
* "git push" misbehaved when branch..merge was configured without
matching branch..remote.

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1.04.2010 - 19:17

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

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Fixes since v1.7.0.3

* Optimized ntohl/htonl on big-endian machines were broken.

* Color values given to "color.." configuration can now have
more than one attributes (e.g. "bold ul").

* "git add -u nonexistent-path" did not complain.

* "git apply --whitespace=fix" didn't work well when an early patch in
a patch series adds trailing blank lines and a later one depended on
such a block of blank lines at the end.

* "git fast-export" didn't check error status and stop when marks file
cannot be opened.

* "git format-patch --ignore-if-in-upstream" gave unwarranted errors
when the range was empty, instead of silently finishing.

* "git remote prune" did not detect remote tracking refs that became
dangling correctly.

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