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Partition Logic 0.77, Система работы с разделами HDD
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Partition Logic 0.57 Free

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Partition Logic is a free hard disk partitioning and data management tool. It can create, delete, format, and move partitions and modify their attributes. It can copy entire hard disks from one to another.
Partition Logic is free software, based on the Visopsys operating system. It boots from a CD or floppy disk and runs as a standalone system, independent of your regular operating system. It is intended to become a free alternative to such commercial programs as Partition Magic, Drive Image, and Norton Ghost...
A bootable .iso CD image file includes the full Partition Logic distribution, including source code. You can burn the ISO file to a CD using your favourite burning application.
A bootable floppy disk .img file includes a minimal distribution, and should be written directly to a 1.44 Mb floppy disk. [ Windows users will need a program such as RawWrite (203K) to create the disk. Linux/UNIX users can use the built-in 'cat' or 'dd' commands ]

Partition Logic - небольшая утилита для управления разделами жестких дисков компьютера. С ее помощью можно создавать, удалять, стирать, форматировать, дефрагментировать, изменять размеры, копировать и перемещать разделы, редактируя их атрибуты. Программы Partition Logic работает на базе операционной системы Visopsys, загружается с CD-диска, USB-носителя или дискеты, функционируя как автономная независимая система.

Author: J. Andrew McLaughlin
Date: 2005-09-27
License: Freeware
Requires: Win All
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29.09.2005 - 21:57

Вечная память.
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 8.232
Регистрация: 3.06.2004
Из: Донецк
Пользователь №: 10

Респектов: 561

Partition Logic 0.57

Эта система работы с разделами жёсткого диска, без сомнения, найдёт своего пользователя. Построенная на базе открытой ОС Visopsys, она позволяет создавать, удалять, форматировать и перемещать разделы и изменять их атрибуты.

ISO image: ~ 1887.0 KB
Floppy disk image: ~ 353.0 KB
Source code: ~ 1217.8 KB

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4.11.2005 - 16:59

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Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 207
Регистрация: 16.06.2005
Из: Латвия
Пользователь №: 23.122

Респектов: 9

Partition Logic 0.58

ISO image: ~ 1894.0 KB
Floppy disk image: ~ 356.1 KB
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18.08.2006 - 3:54

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 2.896
Регистрация: 8.04.2005
Из: Рязани
Пользователь №: 11.209

Респектов: 1252

Partition Logic 0.62

ISO image:
_ (5.0 Мб)

Floppy disk image:
_ (640 кб)
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28.12.2006 - 4:56


Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 13
Регистрация: 12.02.2006
Из: Москва
Пользователь №: 119.701

Респектов: 0


Partition Logic 0.65

ISO image:
_ (4.31 Мб)

Floppy disk image:
_ (601 кб)
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3.04.2007 - 11:04

Born in the USSR
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 10.918
Регистрация: 9.09.2006
Из: Mogilev
Пользователь №: 224.934

Респектов: 3977

Partition Logic 0.67 ISO

Partition Logic - маленька (CD-ROM version - 4.5 Mb, floppy disk version - 583 Kb) и бесплатная утилита, которая позволяет осуществлять управление разделами жесткого диска ПК. В частности, благодаря этой утилите, вы сможете создавать удалять, форматировать, перемещать и модифицировать разделы HDD.

Кроме того, имеется возможность целиком копировать один раздел в другой. Данная программа базируется на операционной системе Visopsys. Работа с Менеджером разделов осуществляется посредством запуска компьютера, используя загрузочную дискету или диск. Программа поставляется в виде ISO-образа загрузочного CD и IMG-образа дискеты. ISO-образ содержит полный дистрибутив Partition Logic, а также исходные коды программы. IMG-образ дискеты содержит только основные компоненты. В целом программа оставляет только положительные впечатления и может служить альтернативой таким коммерческим продуктам, как: Partition Magic, Drive Image и Norton Ghost. В этой версии улучшена стабильность программы в целом, введена возможность перераспределять размер раздела с файловой системой NTFS, улучшена работа с IDE-винчестерами, улучшено отображение статистики о разделах жесткого диска, исправлены ошибки.

VERSION 0.67 03/04/2007
* Added PCI, DMA, and 48-bit addressing support to the IDE disk driver.
* Did some touchups and corrections to the Visopsys IO code in the libntfs library.
* Implemented the ability to move logical partitions in the Disk Manager.
* Implemented the ability to create 'preceding' logical partitions in the Disk Manager.
* Modularised the Disk Manager so that it will be better suited for working with different types of disk labels.
* Added a debug_io category to the kernelDebug.c functions.
* Added itoux() and lltoux() pseudo- C library functions for printing unsigned hexadecimal strings.
* Commands specified for menu items in the desktop configuration file are now checked to make sure they exist.
* Corrected the '%p' specifier printf() and family format strings, so that it is printed as an unsigned value.
* Cleaned up new compilation warnings generated by GCC 4.1.1.
* Fixed: Lines of only whitespace in configuration files used by the kernel configuration reader/writer functions halted processing.
* Fixed: Launching a new window failed to reset the global "focused component" until the mouse was moved.
* Fixed: When a process was killed, the text input stream's 'echo' attribute was not being reset.
* Fixed: The FAT filesystem driver's "get unused clusters" function was not properly returning an error if no free clusters were found.
* Fixed: In the Disk Manager, using the cursor keys in the disk list or partition list did not change the selection.
* Fixed: The kernel's GUID generation routine could hang because it was using an uninitialized lock structure.
* Fixed: When creating a new logical partition in between two others, the Disk Manager didn't set the disk order correctly.
* Fixed: IDE disk driver now properly checks for sector number overflow. Previously it could fail to detect attempts at >28-bit addressing, causing overflow at the ~130GB mark.
* Fixed: A bug in the 'lsdev' program printing devices when the number of attributes was less than 2.
* Fixed: The progress dialog didn't layout properly when resized, and also fixed the layout of a few dialogs and windows vis. resizing.
* The Disk Manager's progress dialogs that show time remaining no longer zero-pad the values, and specify the time in "X hours X minutes" format.


Download CD-ROM version - 5.18 Mb
Download floppy disk version - 659 Kb
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28.07.2007 - 13:37

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 590
Регистрация: 7.10.2005
Пользователь №: 52.159

Респектов: 124

Partition Logic v0.68

Overview: This is an important maintenance release, with a focus on disk I/O performance, secure deletion (shredding) of files/partitions/disks, and bug fixes, including a data corruption problem, and changes to the OS loader resulting in more reliable booting on more systems.

Re-implemented software disk caching. Previously, performance was generally bad but could be horrendous under heavy I/O, as well as evidence that it was buggy and could occasionally cause data corruption.
Added read caching (lookahead) and write caching ability to the IDE disk driver.
Turn off software disk caching when doing disk copy, partition paste, and resize operations; vastly improves I/O throughput for faster finishes.
Implemented new A20 address line code in the 'vloader' OS loader, for successful booting on more systems.
Implemented secure deletion of disk data with an 'erase' operation to enable this for partitions and whole disks.
Implemented secure deletion for files, which does passes of overwriting the file data. Added a command line option to the 'rm' command to invoke it.
Reorganized heap memory management for more efficient memory usage.
Updated some partition type descriptions.
Added a '-R' option to the 'cp' command for recursive directory copying.
Added regular write-protect checking to the floppy driver, so that by the time a filesystem is mounted we should already know if we can't write to it.
The 'Devices' tool now contains an attribute with the system memory size.
The 'Program Manager' tool now shows disk performance stats.
Added a kernel call that allows, among other things, disabling the software cache for a disk.
Fixed: The floppy disk version was too full, crashed during boot when it subsequently couldn't write log files, etc., and otherwise spewed too many error messages.
Fixed: When an IDE disk had a small multi-sector value like 16, reading large files could fail with an error message about too many PRD entries.
Fixed: When NTFS resizing failed (for example with the unclean journal message) control didn't return - it just hung.
Fixed: With large IDE disks, on some systems, the kernel seemed to be getting 28-bit-limited geometry and size values from the BIOS. The IDE driver replaces BIOS values with ones from the device/controller wherever they make more sense.
Fixed: The mouse was leaving tracers at the rightmost and bottommost edges of the screen (1 pixel width).
Fixed: Most of the file system data allocated in the FAT filesystem driver was not deallocated, simply discarded.
Fixed: Recursive file copying caused a page fault when it encountered an empty directory.
Fixed: The 'move partition', 'copy disk', and 'paste partition' progress indicators would show the correct remaining time, but the percentage could overflow (going back to a smaller number and then climbing again).

CD-ROM image:
Size: 4.5 Mb

Floppy disk image:
Size: 640 Kb
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icon11 1.12.2007 - 4:01

Mr. SoftoRooMan
[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: СуперМодераторы
Сообщений: 8.030
Регистрация: 10.10.2005
Из: LG
Пользователь №: 21

Респектов: 1413

Partition Logic 0.69

This maintenance release features lots of work on the USB subsystem including support for USB mice/keyboards and hubs, tuning of the FAT filesystem driver, usability fixes for various user programs, and loads of Visopsys operating system kernel and C library improvements and bugfixes.

Download (CD-ROM version):

Download (Floppy disk version):
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24.02.2011 - 19:48

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 12.045
Регистрация: 23.09.2007
Пользователь №: 513.991

Респектов: 2276

Partition Logic 0.7

» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

CD-ROM image:
Размер: 3,48 МБ.

Floppy disk image:
Размер: 619,14 КБ.
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20.11.2011 - 22:15

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 12.045
Регистрация: 23.09.2007
Пользователь №: 513.991

Респектов: 2276

Partition Logic 0.71

» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

CD-ROM image:
Размер: 3,47 МБ.

USB image:
Размер: 1,77 МБ.

Floppy disk image:
Размер: 607,96 КБ.
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