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Дата публикации: 14.07.2020 - 23:42
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AutoHotkey v1.0.44.14

С помощью этой программы вы сможете:

* Автоматизировать почти все процессы лишь нажатием клавиши или кликом мыши. Вы можете писать макросы вручную или с использованием макрорегистраторов.
* Задавать "горячие" клавиши для клавиатуры, джойстика и мыши. Практически любая клавиша, кнопка или комбинация может стать "горячей" клавишей.
* Использовать автозамену при печатании. Например, аббревиатура "btw" может автоматически заменяться на "by the way".
* Создавать пользовательские формы ввода данных, пользовательские интерфейсы и меню. Чтобы получить дальнейшую информацию, см. раздел, посвященный GUI.
* Переназначать клавиши и кнопки на клавиатуре, джойстике или мыши.
* Передавать сигналы ручного пульта дистанционного управления через клиентский скрипт WinLIRC.
* Пользоваться уже существующими скриптами AutoIt v2, а также добавлять в них новые возможности.
* Конвертировать любой скрипт в EXE-файл, который затем можно запустить даже на компьютерах, где не установлен AutoHotkey.

Размер: 1.7 MB
user posted image
AutoHotkey 1.0.46

user posted imageСкачать/Download: ~ 1.8Mb
AutoHotkey v1.0.46.04 -- January 2, 2007
*Страница загрузки - http://www.autohotkey.com/download/
*Download AutoHotkey - http://www.autohotkey...keyInstall.exe
QUOTE - January 2, 2007
Fixed inability to pass the result of an assignment (:=) to a ByRef parameter. [thanks Titan] - December 18, 2006
Fixed ListView's floating point sorting to produce the correct ordering. [thanks oldbrother/Goyyah/Laszlo] - December 17, 2006
Fixed environment variables to work properly as input variables in various commands such as StringLen and StringReplace (broken by [thanks Camarade_Tux] - December 15, 2006
NOTE: Although this release has been extensively tested, several low-level enhancements were made. If you have any mission-critical scripts, it is recommended that you retest them and/or wait a few weeks for any bugs to get fixed.
Fixed comma-separated declaration initializers such as "local x = 1, y = 2" to work even when immediately below an if/else/loop statement.
Fixed comma-separated expressions so when the leftmost item is an assignment, it will occur before the others rather than after. [thanks Laszlo]
Changed and fixed function-calls so that any changes they make to dynamic variable names, environment variables, and built-in variables (such as Clipboard) are always visible to subsequent parts of the expression that called them.
Changed: When a multi-statement comma is followed immediately by a variable and an equal sign, that equal sign is automatically treated as a := assignment. For example, all of the following are assignments: x:=1, y=2, a=b=c
Changed comma-separated expressions to produce the following effects: 1) the leftmost /= operator becomes true divide rather than EnvDiv; 2) blank values are not treated as zero in math expressions (thus they yield blank results).
Improved the performance of expressions by 5 to 20% (depending on type).
Improved the new assignment operators such as .= to support the Clipboard variable (even in comma-separated expressions).
Improved the .= operator so that it doesn't require a space to its left.
Improved GUI controls to accept static variables as their associated variables (formerly only globals were allowed).
Added option HwndOutputVar to "Gui Add", which stores a control's HWND in OutputVar. [thanks Corrupt & Toralf]
AutoHotkey v.

Fixed ":=" deep inside expressions when used to assign the result of a recursive function to a local variable (broken by [thanks Laszlo]

Fixed inability to pass certain ternary expressions to ByRef parameters. [thanks Titan]

Fixed "GuiControlGet, OutputVar, Pos" so that it doesn't make the OutputVar blank. [thanks PhiLho]

Changed and fixed continuation sections so that the "Comment" option doesn't force the LTrim option into effect. [thanks Titan]

Changed the Terminal Server Awareness flag back to "disabled" on AutoHotkey.exe and compiled scripts. This improves flexibility and backward compatibility (see discussion at forum).

исправлены мелкие ошибки в выражениях, которые содержали отрицательные значения, а также усовершенствован синтаксис

AutoHotkey - November 21, 2007

Fixed the Sort command: 1) fixed the "function" option not to misbehave when it's the last option in the list; 2) fixed the "unique" option so that when the delimiter is CRLF, the last item can be detected as a duplicate even when it doesn't end in CRLF; 3) fixed the "unique" option not to append a trailing delimiter when the last item is a duplicate. [thanks Roland]

Fixed RegExMatch() and RegExReplace() to yield correct results even when Haystack and OutputVar are both the same variable. [thanks Superfraggle]

Fixed inability to pass a parameter that is "a variable to which ClipboardAll has been assigned". [thanks Joy2DWorld & Lexikos]

Updated RegEx/PCRE from 7.0 to 7.4. For a summary of the major changes, see www.pcre.org/news.txt. For full details of every change and fix, see www.pcre.org/changelog.txt.

Added GUI control "Tab2" that fixes rare redrawing problems in the original "Tab" control (e.g. activating a GUI window by clicking on a control's scrollbar). The original Tab control is retained for backward compatibility because "Tab2" puts its tab control after its contained controls in the tab-key navigation order. [thanks Xander]

Size: ~ 1.92 MB


Твой софтовый форумCкачать ~ 2.0 Mb
AutoHotkey 1.0.48 Beta


» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

Размер: 2,55 МБ.

» Нажмите, для открытия спойлера | Press to open the spoiler «

Размер: 2,55 МБ.
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