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ELive 2.0.0, LiveCD
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[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
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Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

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ph34r.gif ELive 0.1

SoftoRoomДистрибутив Elive основан на Debian. В настоящее время Elive достиг версии 0.1, но активно тестируется и дорабатывается бета версия под номером 0.2. В основе системы будет находиться очень быстрый и красивый оконный менеджер Enlightenment.

В ELive также предусмотрена возможность установки на жесткий диск. По заявлениям разработчиков, данная версия будет работать даже на компьютере с частотой процессора 120 МГц и 64Мб оперативной памяти.

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9.03.2006 - 22:44

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 0.4.2

Эта версия, которой разработчики дали кодовое имя 'Serenity', исправляет ряд ошибок, найденных в предыдущих релизах, а также добавляет новые опции. Среди них поддержка жестких дисков SATA, опция настройки терминала в Elpanel, улучшенная поддержка дисков с автораном и автоматическое определение Cedega.

Downloads (~692 Mb)_ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.ed...live_0.4.2.iso
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4.01.2007 - 21:45

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 0.6

Большой баг-фикс релиз debian-based live-cd дистрибутива Elive "Revolution", основаного на E16/E17, включает в себя следующие изменения:

- исправлена SCSI эмуляция CD-ROM
- исправлены проблемы со шрифтами и оформлением E16
- добавлен Elive Installer
- включено больше драйверов для Wifi
- последний апдейт Xorg
- новые версии ядра + gcc
- Flash 9
- убран OpenOffice2 для освобождения места (частично заменен Abiword/Gnumeric)
- на освобожденное место поместили Java
- благодаря разрешению разработчика, Kqemu теперь распространяется с Elive

Downloads (~655 Mb)_http://twilight.winsu...lution_rl2.iso
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6.07.2007 - 8:31

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 1.0

After a long wait, the first official stable version of Elive, 1.0, has finally been released. This version is ready for the end users and not just hard core testers. It is a more intuitive, efficient and easy-to-use system. It has better integration of the file manager and the mime types, a nice kernel especially for multimedia and big process loads, a light-weight foot print, much better compatibility with Windows system, more hardware supported, better graphical recognition, and many more things that you can find in the complete changelog.

Downloads (~678 Mb)_ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.ed...ve_1.0_Gem.iso
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28.11.2007 - 21:55

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 1.0.2

The Elive team is proud to announce the release of development version 1.0.2. The big change is the switch to the greatly anticipated new version of Enlightenment 17. Users can now get themes, backgrounds and animated icons from and other places. Here is an excerpt from the changelog: audio - multiple simultaneous sound sources; aMSN - better configuration system; login sound changed; some applications updated; option to install other window managers (KDE, GNOME, etc) and have them available in the login manager directly; option to install applications and have them show directly on the menus; boot from external devices.

Downloads (~657 Mb)_http://elive.leviatha...2007-11-25.iso
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16.12.2007 - 9:47

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 1.2.3

The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of development version 1.2.3. This version of Elive includes even more stability and usability of the live CD mode, especially when you install applications or do a lot of stuff on it. We have also switched to a newer kernel while we wait the final release of 2.6.24 that Elive is going to use. The installer includes many useful and innovative new features that permit you to convert any Linux OS to an Elive system. If you have another Linux installation on the partition where you want to install Elive, Elive automates the process by saving all your users, files, passwords, and minor system configurations. Note that this feature at the moment only works on systems that use a separate /home partition.

Downloads (~667 Mb)_http://elive.icedslas...3_unstable.iso
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23.01.2008 - 22:33

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 1.5.0

The Elive Team is proud to announce the new development version 1.5. This is a very experimental Elive. The boot system is entirely rewritten, working but not finished. Many auto-detection and configuration parts are not implemented yet. This version is not ready to be installed, this is a release for testers and collaborators who want to discuss it at the Elive testers group. Changes: updated to Debian 'testing'; Elive installer - option to 'migrate' configuration from installed Linux system; more special hotkeys for laptops working by default; Firefox - a nice feature that shows thumbnails of sites in Google search; a more integrated system of translations.

Downloads (~698 Mb)_http://elive.leviatha...y_unstable.iso
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8.03.2008 - 11:25

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 1.6

New improved boot system in live mode; Icedove 2.0; much better disk and partition recognition; CDs can eject without being unmounted first; Eltrans, the new translation tool; resolution selector re-enabled temporarily; Eee PC modules for ACPI support; miscellaneous improved Windows support functions; WiFi widget called Exalt works again; special edition of Elive for MacBooks will be implemented as normal Elive, this is the first compatible ISO image; Elive now uses a new prompt (the default line that appears in the terminal) with more features. Note that this is a development version, it is not ready for installation on a production machine.

Downloads (~622 Mb)_http://elive.cmhacks....evelopment.iso
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22.04.2008 - 9:25

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif Elive 1.7

After many silent weeks and relentless testing by our tireless users of the 1.6 and 1.6.2 development releases, we have now reached 1.7! This is a full-featured version of Elive with some long-awaited features working out-of-the-box: E17 menus ready; suspend and hibernation are now implemented by default; in the boot options of the live mode the language selector menu is enabled by default again; a new tool to make translations in Elive called 'eltrans'; eject CD fixed in the live mode; auto-launchers: have been re-implemented; printer issues hopefully fixed (new front-end); switched to ESU, EFL version of Gksu; Elpanel also got a few updates.

Downloads (~659 Mb)_http://elive.homogeni...7_unstable.iso
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5.05.2008 - 14:42

[SoftoRooMTeaM] Group Icon

Группа: Наши Люди
Сообщений: 11.935
Регистрация: 18.09.2004
Пользователь №: 1.679

Респектов: 789

ph34r.gif ELive 1.7.2

The Elive team is proud to announce the release of development version 1.7.2 This release contains support for b43 WiFi cards, a trayer, and a lot more things. Details: this is the preliminary version of improved menus, they are better organized now, with more sections, and they should show any application that the user installs; b43 wireless cards (bcm43xx) are better supported, with a configuration wizard that asks whether to use NDISwrapper or a native Linux driver; Enlightenment 17 updated and configuration improved; more virtual desktops are included by default; the segfault bug in the pager is fixed; Tray - first implementation of a trayer in Elive; the Elive User Guide is updated (and translated to German); terminal and Vim have improved functionality and looks.

Downloads (~662 Mb)_http://elive.homogeni...2_unstable.iso
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